SH Charlottetown Sub-Group Executive Meeting Minutes - February 11, 2025


Held on February 11, 2025 at 12:00pm-12:25pm VIA MS Teams


Present: Leah Munro, Meghan Macdonald, Jennifer Bulman, Becky Tozer Fergusson, Sherry Maclean

Regrets: Stephanie Brown. Pam Condon

  1. Welcome
  1. Discussed location options and dates for upcoming AGM. Possible dates: May 27th or May 28th. Jen will call a couple more places and we will secure a location. 
  1. Outlined timeline for our new rates of pay and retro pay was discussed. 
  1. We are looking for interest for various members of the Executive. Secretary position and Members at Large position(s) will be open. You do not need to be a Steward to fill these roles. 


Meeting adjourned