Greenwood Branch AGM
The Greenwood Branch AGM will be held on Wednesday, May 7th at The Big Scoop Restaurant in Middleton, NS. Members are invited for 1630hrs (4:30 p.m.) with the meeting being called to order at 1700hrs (5:00 p.m.).
Refreshments and your choice of dinner items off the menu will be provided.
RSVPs to are requested so we can let the venue know approximately how many will be in attendance.
Notice of Elections:
Elections will be held at the Greenwood Branch AGM to fill three vacancies on the executive. All positions are for a two-year term. The positions up for election this year are President, Secretary, and a member-at-large position. Erika Best will be over-seeing the elections.
Nominations for positions may be done in advance by emailing Erika at Volunteers and nominations will be accepted from the floor at the AGM as well.
Thank-you and hopefully we will see you there.
Chad Lacoste