(Translated from French)
- Approval of the agenda
- Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
- The minutes of the meeting of September 4, 2024, were revised and remained unchanged.
- No changes requested.
- Approval moved by Denis.
- Seconded by Renaud.
- All in favour.
- A word from the Executive
- A word from the President
Renaud welcomes everyone. He announced that the French name “chapitre” had been changed to “section” at the PIPSC national AGM. On December 2, a meeting with pension fund specialist Réjean Michaud will be held at the Deli Planet restaurant, to answer any questions members may have. We’re going to set aside an amount for a certain number of people. Renaud proposed a budget ceiling of $1,500 (or $50 maximum per member) and is seconded by Evangelia. From December 3, PIPSC will be limiting its communications.
A word from the treasurer
December 15 is the deadline for submitting documents to obtain the 2025 allowance. A detailed report from the treasurer will be submitted at a future executive meeting.
- Ongoing action items
2409-01) Denis – Ensure the previous meeting’s minutes are corrected and translated (October 24, 2023): Done and is on the branch’s website
2409-02) Renaud and Denis – Minutes of 2019 AGM to be sent for translation and delivery to Lyse: To do
2409-03) Denis – Contact Lyse and have the list of the Executive members modified on the website; the Executive will provide their contact information to the Secretary for internal Branch communications and for external communications on the PIPSC website: Done, but members must go to the “Executive” page and check that everything is OK. If a revision is required, notify the secretary.
2409.04) Renaud – Contact Lyse and ask her to modify the list of members in the Executive distribution list – executifcvm@pipsc.ca. And change the name to executifsvm
2409.05) New members – Request a @pipsc account from Informatics. Pascal Cloutier needs to activate his new PIPSC account.
2409.06) Renaud – Add the new members to the Drive: Done by Renaud
2409.07) Treasury: Request access to the bank account.
2409.08) Treasury: apply for the 2024 allocation (deadline of December 15)
2411.01) Renaud: place the list of 120 RANDS on the drive.
2411.01) Renaud: send funds to the PSAC to cover our members’ expenses for the September 4 mobilization at Guy-Favreau.
- Topics discussed
- AGM 2025 - Alcohol. It was agreed that the Ville-Marie branch would not pay for alcohol at the 2025 AGM.
- Portfolio follow-up:
Communications (Donald Lefebvre); the SP group can serve as an example, with its What’s App space for SP members. Donald will create a What’s App space for the executive.
Engagement events (Pascal Cloutier and François Pilon); the end of January 2025 is targeted for a sugar shack activity. Details will be provided at a later date.
Promotional material - often linked to the AGM (Evangelia Costamis); a toque is suggested as an idea. Further proposals to follow at a future meeting.
Registration of RAND members (Donald Lefebre); people who are not RAND (or RANDY) members are not listed. Only the RANDS are those with whom we can communicate. We have 120 RAND members. We can set up a telephone chain with the stewards.
2025 AGM Committee: (Wendy Blouin, François Goulet and Isabelle Gagné).
For example, you’ll need to pay $300 for a 4-hour block of the Centre Saint-Pierre hall, apply for a liquor license (if alcohol is involved), and arrange for a caterer. Wendy will check on the date to be determined and the menu to be ordered either via a caterer or a restaurant chain. The menu must be varied to accommodate certain diets or allergies. The month of October is targeted.
- “Sorry for the traffic, I’ve got to get to a video conference” car bumper/window stickers. Renaud can place an order for stickers on demand, and the executive can distribute them.
- Review of the September 4 mobilization event at Guy-Favreau and approval of $500 to PSAC for the organization and the food (25 meals at $20 = $500). Finally, meals were $20.
- Dinner talk with Magali Picard, President, and Denis Bolduc, FTQ General Secretary Tuesday evening, November 26. The file has been looked at in the past, and the Ville-Marie section won’t be taking part.
- Other business/Roundtable
- Renaud informed us that union dues have been increased by $17.50 per month. He also explained the motivation behind the e-mail sent to members for the training questionnaire.
- Adjournment
- Renaud moved that the meeting be adjourned.
- Seconded by Pascal; unanimously carried.
- Renaud thanked everyone for participating.
- Meeting was adjourned.
- Next meeting to be determined in January.