Minutes of the 2017 Montérégie CS Sub-Group AGM


Date:  June 21, 2017

Place: Paolo Gattuso (30, Taschereau Boulevard, La Prairie, QC,  J5R 5H7)


Christian Gaboury, President

Pierre Potvin, Vice-President

Erick D’Amours, Secretary-Treasurer

François Jodoin, Member-at-Large

Jean-Pierre Therrien, Member-at-Large

Giovanni Giolti, Member-at-Large


Yvon Brodeur, Director, Quebec Region

Robert Tellier, CS Group Bargaining Officer

Members in Attendance: 31 members in good standing


  1. Opening remarks/Welcome (6:20 pm)

i. The President thanked the members of the Montérégie CS Sub-Group for participating in this third AGM.

ii. The President introduced the members of the Executive and announced the election that would be held later on in the evening.

2. Approval of the Agenda

The President read the agenda and asked if there were any amendments.

Moved by J-C Gravel

Seconded by Giovanni Giolti

The participants unanimously approved the agenda as presented.

  1. Guest introductions

i. Robert Tellier will be giving a Bargaining Update.

ii. Pierre Touchette was not able to attend due to a scheduling conflict.

  1. Approval of the 2016 AGM Minutes

i. The President went over the points discussed at previous AGM. No question from the participants.

Moved by François Jodoin

Seconded by Guy Meunier

The participants unanimously approved the minutes as presented.

  1. Business arising from the 2016 minutes

i. None

  1. President’s Report

i. The President presented his report for 2016 to the AGM.

Moved by Christian Gaboury (President)

Seconded by (whom?)

The participants unanimously approved the President’s Report as presented.

  1. Annual Financial Report

i. The Secretary-Treasurer tabled the Financial Report for 2016.

ii. The Secretary-Treasurer presented the budget for 2017.

Moved by Erick D’Amours (Secretary-Treasurer)

Seconded par Jean-Pierre Therrien, Duc Ly

The participants unanimously approved the Financial Report as presented.

  1. By-Law Amendments

The president proposed to divide the Secretary-Treasurer position into two separate positions. The amended text was presented to the AGM The amended By-Law will be submitted to the Institute for approval and the change will take effect after that.

Proposed by Yannick Descroix

Seconded by Serge Lemieux

The AGM carries the proposed amendments.

  1. Elections – Pierrer Potvin served as Election Chair

1 President position (2 years)

Christian Gaboury

Proposed by Yannick Descroix

Seconded by Serge Lemieux


1 Secretary-Treasurer position (2 years)

Erick D’Amours

Proposed by Guy Pomerleau

Seconded by Guillaume Audet


2 Member-at-Large positions (2 years)

Frédéric Émond

Proposed by:

Seconded by:



Giovanni Giolti

Proposed by:

Seconded by:  


10 .Other Business



11. Adjournment

Moved by Guy Pomerleau

Seconded by France Poliquin

The meeting adjourned at 6:48 pm


President’s signature                                                              



Secretary’s Signature                                                              
