PIPSC and the Treasury Board agree to a new Bargaining Protocol

Fellow members,

I am excited to tell you about a new Bargaining Protocol that has just been signed between the Institute and the Treasury Board. 

Building on the momentum generated during the last round of bargaining, it provides guidance regarding the structure and conduct of upcoming collective bargaining, with the objective of improving the negotiations process. Overall, both parties want to reach fair and equitable collective agreements in a timely manner.

The key principles underlining the Protocol include:

  • Mutual trust and respect
  • Transparency and information-sharing
  • Flexibility
  • Consistency

In this agreement, we have taken a number of steps to ensure that negotiations are conducted as effectively as possible, by agreeing on a kick-off session, determining common proposals and streamlining logistics.  Just as important, the sessions themselves will be better managed. Both sides are expected to make every effort to come to the table with their negotiations mandates in place and to set clear priorities amongst their proposals.  Finally, several strategies have been put in place to help mitigate any impasse.

Overall, I am confident that this new Protocol will go a long way towards resolving a number of procedural issues that have slowed down the negotiations process over past rounds of bargaining. My thanks go out to the PIPSC Strategic Bargaining Committee for its support in reaching this historic agreement.

Better Together!

Debi Daviau,

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