Northern NB Branch Executive Meeting
Date: May 9, 2023
Time: 1730
Location: Pizza Delight
In Attendance: Gilles Comeau, Jolene Underhill, Hillary Donovan, Chantal Ricard, Brooke Casey
Gilles explained purpose of meeting is to review plans for AGM May 18 and review upcoming events (PIPSC 101 and social event).
Upcoming Events
1. AGM May 18 1700h
Brooke will call Goodie Shoppe this week to confirm with Nelson and, due to low RSVP numbers, will request to decrease number to 20.
Gilles reminded those present the agenda is available on the PIPSC website. Manny (Atlantic Regional Director) has confirmed he will be in attendance.
Door prizes will be available for each attendee. Election process discussed. Gilles informed those present that Manny will control elections. Nominations will proceed that evening with subsequent election. If a member is unable to be present for the meeting but interested in placing their name forward for election, a letter may be submitted with their nomination. Jolene asked, as all positions are up for election, that maybe the length of terms should be staggered. On the agenda, they are all noted as two-year terms. Those present agreed and it will be brought up at the meeting for discussion with those present before proceeding with elections.
2. ARC upcoming May 26/27 in St. John’s. Gilles, Jolene, Brooke, and Chantal will be attending.
3. PIPSC 101 session planned for June 20th in Bathurst (Gilles to finalize location before AGM) and June 21st in Miramichi at Knights Inn. Manny booked to deliver presentation. Meal 1700-1730, presentation 1730-1830. Will need to decide meal.
4. Boat Tour. Jolene will confirm reservation/details with Azade (Miramichi Boat Tours). Booked for August 12 at 1700.
Chantal asked if there was a member list available. Gilles will send the list out for executive use only. Those present acknowledged that the branch area is vast and member engagement is a challenge.
1. Brooke to confirm with Goodie Shoppe for AGM.
2. Jolene to confirm with Azade for boat tour.
3. Gilles to send out branch member list.
4. Gilles to confirm Bathurst location for Lunch and Learn.
Meeting ended 1845
Minutes taken by Jolene Underhill.