Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting Minutes - January 27, 2024



The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting Minutes

The Lord Nelson, Halifax, NS – January 27, 2024



Manny Costain



Christine LeDrew, Secretary

Lori Rowe

Carolyn Hynes

Gerald Hill

Kimberley Keats

Tony Chubbs

Scott McConaghy 

Yvonne O’Keefe

Mike Pauley



Jennifer Cantwell


  1. Welcome and Directors’ Opening Remarks

Manny called the meeting to order at 9:05am. He welcomed everyone to the meeting and is looking for a great year. He also stated he hoped everyone had a great holiday season.  Manny offered a land acknowledgement:


“I would like to begin by acknowledging that we are in Mi’kma’ki (prounounced meg-maw-gee), the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which Mi’kmaq Wəlastəkwiyik (pronounced wool-las-two-wi-ig), and Passamaquoddy (pronounced pa-suh-maa-kwuh-dee) peoples first signed with the British Crown in 1726. The treaties did not deal with surrender of lands and resources but in fact recognized Mi’kmaq and Wəlastəkwiyik title and established the rules for what was to be an ongoing relationship between nations.”


  1. Ice Breaker

Gerald proceeded with a light fun Ice Breaker.  Carolyn volunteered to do the Ice Breaker for the April meeting.  


3.   Agenda

Christine added Steward Check-in evaluations to the agenda.   


Motion # 1 Carolyn Hynes moved, and Gerald Hill seconded that the agenda be approved as amended.  CARRIED.


  1. Approval of Regional Executive Minutes

The minutes of December 8th, 2023 were reviewed.  There being no additions or corrections.


Motion # 2 Mike Pauley moved; Scott McConaghy seconded that the minutes be approved as presented.  CARRIED.


  1. Action Items Review

Manny reviewed the Action Items.


Action Items

Atlantic Regional Executive

December 8, 2023 – The Lord Nelson, Halifax, NS






Item/Completion Deadline







To rebook the virtual Atlantic Regional Steward Check-In for every two months.





Scope out new properties for meetings, one suggestion was the Hilton Garden Inn, St. John’s, NL.  






To communicate with Cheryl regarding the Training Committee’s decisions on training after each meeting.






Think about executive meet and greets





Training Committee

Make a process for L&L expense claims






Purchase headphones, Bluetooth speaker, garmin watch as raffle prizes





Scott & Manny

Reach out to retired members regarding Atlantic history






Look at documents to compile Atlantic history






Confirm with Regional Office swag inventory (item and number)





Resolutions Sub Committee

bring resolution to ARC to fix the bylaw of training committee members. 






Confirm with Donna and Natasha if steward check in invitation states drop in and out.





Inform Donna and Natasha the next steward check in date.





Follow up with Stacy and Andrew on AGM prizes





Follow up on swag inventory with Halifax office





Contact Cathy Hebert for contact information on the prints. 






Purchase 4 more prints for awards.





Create a short concur video.





Work on gender neutral By-Laws for ARC.





Confirm the Rodd has ergo chairs for ARC meeting





Follow up with Rodd about mobility issues for ARC. 





Follow up with Greenwood branch for payment of notebooks





Purchase 10 $100 gift cards for steward check-ins





Purchase power banks for ARC gift





Purchase 150 black coffee mugs with white logo





Bring up the printed calendars to the board meeting





Purchase $500 worth of stickers





Purchase $2000 worth of luggage tags






Look into the Lions Club hosting the Casino night





Book Ledwell for Friday afternoon guest speaker





Reach out to Donna to book AYPC meeting in July in Moncton





Add Adapting Award Nomination Process agenda item to January agenda




#1: Manny noted the next steward check in is tentatively scheduled for March 12th. Discussion on the steward check-ins occurred. Mike and Kim both noted that there are a lot of new stewards and stewards in waiting attending. Scott suggested that all regional executive members be invited to the steward check-in, even the retired members of the Regional Executive as this is excluding them. A discussion ensued on this topic. Some executive members were concerned that this is for stewards which retired members even though they are on the Regional Executive are not stewards. 


Action: Manny to invite all regional executive members to the March Steward Check-in.  


#9: Christine noted she received an email from Natasha about some swag items at the office. Blue sweaters with logo, earbuds, blankets, duffle bags. They have more containers they must sort through and will keep Christine informed. 


Action: Manny to inform Branch Presidents about the swag items at the Halifax office.


#10: Bylaw resolution has been drafted and provided to the executive on the google drive. 

#13: Christine noted she emailed both Stacey and Andrew. No names provided.

#15: Christine stated she reached out to Cathy Hebert and was provided the persons contact. Christine reached out to him with no response. Kim suggested getting prints from a different source for something a bit different. 


Action: Executive to look at art items for awards and send to Christine to compile a list (3-4 items). 


#17: it was noted that the video Manny created was a very good video. 

#19 & #20: Manny noted it is still on going as Donna is waiting to hear back from the hotel.

#23: Gerald noted that the power banks kept changing with the company. They are now done and being shipped shortly. It was questioned to have it shipped to the Halifax office but Christine noted there is a problem for storage at the regional office. 

#25: Manny noted that at the December meeting it was to be a green initiative and operations never told anyone about not producing the calendars. Kim stated that these calendars are a big hit with members and a huge visibility item. It was also stated that operations should not have chosen to not print these calendars but continue to buy useless swag items. There was no communication sent regarding the calendars. Mike suggested having a resolution to the ARC about having the calendars printed that can go to the AGM. 


Motion # 3 Mike Pauley moved; Scott McConaghy seconded that executive bring a resolution to the ARC to have PIPSC print the calendars. CARRIED.


Action: Resolutions Sub-Committee to write resolution for the printing of calendars.


#28: Gerald noted that the Lions Club does not do it anymore but did find a person that hosts Casino nights. He will setup 10 tables for 60-80 people, supply the dealers, play money. We would have to supply the prizes. He did note he is available for Friday and Saturday night. His fee is $1000 for 2 hours. Carolyn suggested using the swag items at the Halifax office for the prizes. 


Motion # 4 Lori Rowe moved; Mike Pauley seconded to host a Casino Night at ARC on Friday night from 8-10pm. CARRIED.


Action: Donna to book room at hotel for Casino night on Friday night.

Action: Gerald to book Casino man from 8-10pm Friday night.

Action: Donna/Natasha to have ARC invite state bring cash for charity and casino night.

Action: Donna/Natasha to send some swag items to ARC for Casino prizes.



  1. Calendar of Events

Manny explained some of the items on the calendar and noted that the September 2024 meeting should be a strategic planning meeting. Friday, September 6th AM will be the training committee, Friday afternoon strategic planning meeting, and full day Saturday the 7th as executive meeting. 


Action: Manny to request Training Committee meeting Friday AM. Planning meeting Friday afternoon for the entire executive, and executive meeting on Saturday. 


Carolyn mentioned the September meeting use to be held in August. A discussion occurred and it is something to consider for the 2025 dates because of cancellation fees for 2024. Manny noted that Steward Council for 2024 is booked just waiting on approval from finance. Scott noted that we usually have 2025 meetings booked now. 


Action: Manny to follow up with Donna for 2025 Steward Council. Quotes for Westin, Marriott Harbourfront, Lord Nelson, and the Sutton Place. 


7Regional Director’s Report

Manny advised that his Director’s Report is on the Google Drive for review but provided a brief verbal report. He noted that the December Board of Directors meeting was held virtually and they met for a 4-day meeting in Wakefield in January, which Manny attended virtually. It was noted that VP Eva Henshaw chaired the meeting on the second day. Manny mentioned that originally the committees of the board members were to be selected during the February meeting but it was on the January agenda. All of our recommendations were selected besides one, PRQC, which they selected our alternate. Manny noted that the Director of Communications left in December and the Director of HR submitted their resignation and leaving in February. 


Motion # 5 Manny Costain moved; Christine LeDrew seconded to go into closed session. CARRIED.


Motion # 6 Mike Pauley moved; Tony Chubbs seconded to come out of closed session. CARRIED.


Manny noted that PIPSC has been looking at the regional office leases with possible relocations. Other

ways PIPSC is looking at saving money is to cut back on food at breaks. It was suggested that we could 

look at holding our executive meetings at the boardroom on the main floor. Carolyn asked when will the 

renovations be completed at the National Office. Manny stated that it should be soon but the meeting

room won’t be big enough to host the AC as originally planned but there will a lot of spaces for smaller 



  1. New Brunswick Office Update

Manny stated that he was aware of presentation at the Advisory Council meeting yesterday. The chair of the working group on consultation and the AC director said that someone needs to be liberated to take on this role as it is consultation. Manny will bring back to the board at the February meeting. 


Action: Manny to bring NB Office to February Board meeting.


Mike noted that this was a resolution that was approved at the National AGM and the ball has been dropped on this resolution which is not okay. Currently there is no one there to help our provincial members. Mike also stated that he is unsure if the Halifax office gets notified when there are meetings. He mentioned that we need to get someone to take this on so someone is there to represent these members, it needs to be a resource and not an NB employee. The AGM resolution was to be a PIPSC Staff member. Mike stated that the chair of the working group on consultation and the AC director do not understand the NB dynamic.  


Motion # 7 Mike Pauley moved; Scott McConaghy seconded that the resolution subcommittee bring a resolution to the ARC to get office resource as per AGM 2015 Resolution. CARRIED.


Action: Mike and Resolutions Subcommittee write a resolution for NB Resource.


Kim stated that as a federal employee she works with DFO but TBS is her employer. As a steward she sits with management for consultation at DFO but she does not sit with TBS. Provincial Groups aren’t getting the exact same service and representation as federal employees. Mike reiterated that this is not a place for a NB employee that it needs to be a PIPSC staff or political leader. 


Motion # 8 Manny Costain moved; Kim Keats seconded that the Regional Director’s Report be approved as presented. CARRIED.


Kim noted that her Subgroup treasurer did not get invited to the Treasurer training. Gerald mentioned that the invitation went to his work email. Manny stated he will check with Cathy Hebert from the finance committee on where they are getting the list for the contact information for treasurers and if the president was CC’d. 


Action: Manny to confirm with John/Cathy on where they are getting the list for the treasurers and if their president is cc’d.


8. Financial Reports

Gerald noted that not all the financial documents are on the drive so he shared them up on the screen. The income statement, cash flow was discussed. Gerald noted that he estimated approximately 6300 members. It was also noted that we have not yielded that much interest in any previous year. It was noted that the regional executive under spent on the PIPSC AGM for 2023 as there was no observers. 


Action: Gerald to put note in for other reimbursements on the Income statement. Line Item 004. 


  1. Review of 2023 Year-End Financials

Gerald went over the cash flow statement. Discussion occurred on budget spending. 

The executive agreed on the cash flow and income statement. 


Motion # 9 Gerald Hill moved; Lori Rowe seconded that Financial Report be approved as presented. CARRIED.


Motion # 10 Gerald Hill moved; Scott McConaghy seconded that the regional executive being the Financial Report to the ARC. CARRIED.


  1. Approve 2023 Year-End financials for ARC

See discussion above


  1. Review 2025 Proposed Budget

Gerald mentioned that the budget needs a bit more scrutiny. The 2025 budget was discussed in detail and it was noted that there will be very little left in the bank at the end. Yvonne noted that the estimated allowance shows $5 twice. Once the field was expanded the full details were there. Gerald noted that some things from last years budget needs work. The executive changed the number of meet and greets to two a year instead of three a few years ago so Gerald reflected this in the budget. The executive changed the amount for the two Director’s dinners and the allocation for promotional items and communication. It was noted that since this year the training events should be under the training budget we will split the event budget between training committee and regional executive until all is finalized with Chair of Finance. Scott suggested that the Regional Executive Treasurers should be given their own training session. Lori noted that it would be nice for future to have the latest actuals in the budget document not a year or two behind. 


Motion # 11 Gerald Hill moved; Lori Rowe seconded that the regional budget be approved as amended. CARRIED.


Action: Gerald to update field on seasonal social luncheon. 

Action: Gerald to update Director’s dinner amounts. 


  1. 2023/2024 Events/Meeting Financials – Approved and Actuals

John Purdie had sent an email stating the raw data isn’t accurate and won’t give many details. Gerald suggested we get the raw numbers anyways. Gerald also noted that everything was going through Manny for finances. He suggested that the chair of finance should be contacting the treasurer as main contact and CC’ing the director to keep them informed. Gerald noted that he always budgets on previous events but never received any actuals. Gerald asked how would we like to move forward, is the director okay with them dealing with Finance and cc’ing them? Carolyn also noted that what if we underspent on our training budget and we want to put off a high demand course, can we? 


Action: Manny to email John for actuals and to email Gerald with him in CC. 


  1. Communication Recommendations between the Finance Committee and Executive Treasurers

Discussed in previous topic above. 


9. Training Committee Chairperson’s Report

Carolyn Hynes, Chair of the Training Committee, went over her report submitted on the google drive. She noted that the Basic Steward Training for February has been finalized with 22 participants. Carolyn stated that BST Selection Criteria is: 

  1. Prior waitlist
  2. Consultation and/or group president urgent request
  3. Date of steward application
  4. Department
  5. Geographical location
  6. Prior steward training > 5 years

Carolyn suggested that the training chair and director be CC’d on all emails to training participants. Carolyn confirmed that the BST Cvent invite contains the hotel confirmation and union leave letter, not the agenda or any other pertinent information (e.g. meals included). Carolyn noted the training school selection criteria would include a few additional items (e.g. prior attendance, etc) than the BST criteria. 

Carolyn noted the information she received from Natasha regarding Cvent invite timelines:

  1. Expression of interest is sent 12 weeks in advance of the course with 5 day turn around. 
  2. List of those interested sent to training committee chair for vetting (normally allow 5-10 working days for chair to respond)
  3. BST Registration opened 6-8 weeks prior to course date
  4. Three to four weeks prior to course the link to register for the steward start-up training (Canvas online perquisite to be completed prior to the BST.)
  5. Cut off to fill seats from waitlist is normally 2 weeks prior (due to hotel and travel logistics)
  6. Cvent invite includes hotel registration and union letter. Carolyn asked if they could add agenda and meals included going forward. 

Mike mentioned there has been a lot of confusion on registration for stewards. Carolyn noted that we have not received the roles with the Office Administrator and Administrative Assistant. Carolyn will confirm with Jennifer at TEAM about the cvent as we have not received any information from regional office. Mike noted that picking the attendees for the training events should not be selected by just the chair as he thinks there could be a process created to determine the attendees with more than one person. Mike also stated that he would like to see a process and procedure document for the training committee roles and responsibilities to help for future training committee members. 


Action: Carolyn post selection criteria on google drive. 

Action: Carolyn to confirm with Jennifer at TEAM about cvent. 


Carolyn met with Joanna Simpson, Education Officer, and Bridget Brawly, ON Training Chair, to discuss the feedback on the Core Training for Constituent Body Executives course and they will have it updated for April 2024. Carolyn finalized a lunch and learn request and expense guide that will be posted to the Atlantic Regions Quick links section on the PIPSC website. Carolyn noted her TEAM report is on the google drive and noted the last TEAM Meeting they worked on the selection criteria for the peer-to-peer training.


Carolyn noted at the training committee meeting yesterday we made a lot of progress. We discussed the steward activity report which is not accurate. Carolyn will bring forward this issue to TEAM. Carolyn suggested the ARC training event as a parliamentary procedures session and guest speaker, Ledwell. 


Motion # 12 Carolyn Hynes moved; Christine LeDrew seconded that the regional executive host a parliamentary procedures training session at the ARC.     CARRIED.


Yvonne questioned about the Regions duplicating work on courses and suggested they use members to help create courses for all regions. Carolyn provided explanation on the training session for ARC and how education creates the courses for the entire country. Carolyn noted that the Atlantic region is the only one that has not delivered the anti-oppression courses which is why we will be delivering these at the April Training school. She stated that education suggested Day 3 options: a Kairos blanket exercise and Bystander Intervention. The training committee discussed that they thought this would be too heavy and Carolyn brought this concern to education and they suggested doing Bystander Intervention with Constructive Conflict Resolution for day three. Carolyn noted that Manny will host the Director’s Meet and Greet Thursday evening and looking to have a magician on Friday evening. A Bluetooth speak has been purchased as the prize for the raffle at the training school. 


Motion # 12 Carolyn Hynes moved; Kim Keats seconded that the training school courses be 2 days of Anti-Oppression with day 3 being Bystander Intervention and Constructive Conflict Resolution. CARRIED.


Carolyn developed a Lunch and Learn request and expense guide in response to numerous email requests for assistance with the process. Mike suggested this be posted on the google drive. Carolyn noted it will be posted on the PIPSC Website on the Atlantic region under quick links once the process and document is finalized and translated. Carolyn briefly went over the cheat sheet to the executive. Mike asked if there will be an extra executive course held. Carolyn explained that the training committee will determine at the April meeting what course will be held in November. It was also questioned who in the region has the Pop-ed training. Carolyn, Christine, Kelly McKinnon, and Cathy Hebert have this training. Yvonne asked for clarification on the pop-ed training. Carolyn provided this explanation. 


Motion # 13 Carolyn Hynes moved; Mike Pauley seconded that the Training Committee Chairpersons report be approved as presented. CARRIED.


  1. Committees of the Board Reports
  1. TEAM Committee Report
  2. PRQC Committee Report
  3. Finance Committee Report
  4. BLPC Committee Report

The regional executive reviewed the reports on the google drive. Kim mentioned that some reports are more detailed than others. It was noted that finance is a tricky situation as they do have to sign a confidentiality agreement and some information cannot be shared. Carolyn noted that the reports were an initiative created by the Atlantic Region and not all regions have adopted it. It has been noted that the QC representative for both TEAM and PRQC have not been attending the meetings. 


Motion # 14 Manny Costain moved, and Yvonne O’Keefe seconded that the Committees of the Board reports be moved as presented.  CARRIED.


  1. New Business

a) ARC Delegate Allotment

Scott noted that he used the 2022 membership numbers for the ARC delegate allotment and it could potentially be updated again. By the regional by-laws the ARC could go to 121 delegates. Scott noted that the smaller branches could be doubled. Gerald questioned if the executive want to plan in the budget for 2026 ARC to up the delegate count to the 121. Christine noted that it was hard to fill the 110 in 2023 and it was in Newfoundland. She also noted that the executive voted last year to keep the delegate count at 110 for hotel sizing. Manny noted that it would be close to the steward council numbers and it may not be possible to move it around the provinces if we go to the 121. Christine suggested leaving the delegate count at 110. A discussion occurred on the delegate count. Scott suggested to have the local delegate replacement at 1 week not the 2+ weeks. 


Motion # 15 Tony Chubbs moved, and Gerald Hill seconded to up the ARC Delegate count for ARC 2026 budget to reflect 115 delegates. CARRIED.


Action: Gerald to adjust 2026 budget for ARC delegate count of 115 delegates. 

Action: Scott to update the ARC allotment document to reflect 115 delegates. 


b) AGM Delegate Allotment

Scott noted there was 30 Atlantic delegates to the National AGM in 2023. The membership number may allow for 31-32 this year. Scott will extend the alternate list. Scott noted the details for the formulas are located on our google drive. Carolyn stated that she does not understand why no one has brought forward a resolution to lower the AGM delegate count again. Manny noted it would cut the Atlantic delegates down to 16. 


Action: Scott to extend the AGM alternate list. 


c) Update on Corner Brook Branch 

Christine noted that she has been working with the president of the Gander Branch and a steward located in Corner Brook. The steward has reached out to the members in Corner Brook to obtain an idea on interest in an event in the area. They received approximately 20 people interested. She stated she had the Halifax Office send some swag items for them to give away at the event. She provided details to the steward about what they would require to be able to resurrect the Corner Brook branch. Scott suggested if we could potentially bring one or two members from the Corner Brook area into the ARC. Christine also suggested maybe having Manny or someone from the regional executive attend the event in Corner Brook to help the steward get involvement. Christine will confirm the event and information once the Steward has it solidified. 


d) Communication of Training to the Region

This item was discussed during the Training Committee Chairpersons report. 


e) Adapting Award Nomination Process

This item was added by Jennifer but she was unable to attend the meeting. Being deferred to the April meeting. 

Manny noted at the Regional Director’s meeting there was a topic to streamline the Stewards of the Year award for all regions. Carolyn also noted that the steward framework will include awards. It was noted that the applications are not always completed. Members do not like filling out the application form. Kim noted that the form is a bit onerous and no explanation of how the scoring is completed. 


Action: Carolyn to bring award process to TEAM. 


f) Meeting Booking dates and places to May 2026 – Book SC and ARC 2 years in advance

Manny noted that the calendar is confirmed up to the ARC in May 2025. The Regional Executive discussed tentative dates for meetings for 2025-2026.


Regional Executive meetings:

August 15-16, 2025 – PEI as the location. 

December 4-5, 2025 – Halifax (seasonal social Dec 4)

January 30-31, 2026 – Halifax

March 27-28, 2026 – St. John’s


Training Sessions:

September 18-20, 2025 – BST – Saint John, NB

November 21-22, 2025 – Extra Training – Charlottetown, PEI

February 19-21, 2026 – BST – Halifax, NS

Training School 2026 – April 16-18, 2026 – White Point or Oak Island 


ARC 2026:

Nova Scotia – Discussion on city ensued. Halifax was the best location. 


Steward Council 2026:

Discussion on locations. Same as ARC. 


Action: Donna to obtain quotes from Crowbush and Brudenell in PEI for August 15-16,2026. 

Action: Donna to obtain quotes from Marriott Harbourfront, Muir, Westin, The Hilton Properties, The Sutton Place for Dec. 4-5, 2025 in Halifax.

Action: Donna to obtain quotes from Marriott Harbourfront, Muir, Westin, The Hilton Properties, The Sutton Place for January 30-31, 2026 in Halifax.

Action: Donna to obtain quotes from Marriott Courtyard, Delta, Sheraton, The Hilton Garden Inn, The Double Tree for March 27-28, 2026 in St.John’s.

Action: Donna to obtain quotes from White Point and Oak Island for training school April 16-18, 2026.

Action: Donna to obtain quotes from Delta and Hilton in Saint John, NB for BST September 18-20, 2025.

Action: Donna to obtain quotes from Delta and Holman in PEI for Extra training November 21-22, 2025.

Action: Donna to obtain quotes from typical properties in Halifax, NS for BST February 19-21, 2026.

Action: Donna to obtain quotes from The Sutton Place, Westin, Marriott Harbourfront (priority location), Lord Nelson for ARC 2026. 

Action: Donna to obtain quotes from The Sutton Place, Westin, Marriott Harbourfront (priority location), Lord Nelson for Steward Council 2026. 

Action: Donna to keep 2026 ARC and Steward Council location on agenda to confirm location upon getting quotes. 


g) ARC Planning

The Friday afternoon training session was explained during the Training Committee Chairpersons report. Manny noted that he found a local indigenous group that would do an opening for our meeting, named L’uney. It was noted that Colby Briggs, a TL at NHQ, asked to come to give a presentation to our members on the Health Care plan, Dental Plan, Pension, and pay equity. He was looking for approximately 1-1.5 hours. A discussion ensued on having him attending over someone from the president’s office. Pauley noted that this presentation will have nothing to do with the provincial group delegates. Manny suggested to have a provincial group break out session like last year. Suggested the chair and director of the AC. It was decided to have Colby during the 1 hour session on Friday instead of the parliamentary procedures session with the president attending the NB breakout and a presidents address on Saturday. Mike Pauley stated he will attend the NB Breakout during the ARC.


Action: Manny invite Jenn Carr to ARC and breakout with NB groups.

Action: Manny to confirm with Colby for Friday afternoon.

Action: Manny to book Indigenous opening. 

Action: Donna to ensure breakout room for NB groups at hotel Friday afternoon. 


h) International Women’s Day Pins

A discussion on the new pin for 2024 occurred. They are approximately $3.25 if you order 500 or more. Manny asked how do we get them sent to everyone? Discussion on how to proceed with the order. Manny suggested placing 4 orders of 1 to each province. 


Motion # 16 Carolyn Hynes moved, and Christine LeDrew seconded purchase 4 orders of 200 of IWD pins. CARRIED.


Action: Gerald request funds from the $5000 additional swag funds.

Action: Carolyn to reach out to Jenn for Halifax. 

Action: Carolyn, Jenn, Gerald, and Lori will distribute to members.

Action: Gerald purchase 4 separate orders of 200 each by Feb 9th


i) Steward Check-In Evaluations

The executive discussed the check-in evaluations. Carolyn noted a lot of feedback is about bargaining questions. 


12. Round Table

Tony stated it was a very productive meeting, covered a lot of stuff. He suggested maybe at the end of the year the sub-committees provide reports to the executive. 

Carolyn said a good meeting and apologized that her phone was not on silent for a portion.

Kim noted it was a lot and it was very productive. 

Mike stated he was glad to get feedback on the training and an update on the NB office. 

Gerald noted he was very impressed that everyone was willing to stay late and get stuff done. Very appreciative. 

Christine noted her hand hurt from taking all the minutes. It’s been a good meeting and thank you for your patience. 

Manny noted it was a very long meeting and thanked everyone for their participation. 



Motion # 17 Tony Chubbs moved, and Kim Keats seconded that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED


The meeting was adjourned at 6:16pm.