BC/Yukon Region – Regional Executive Meeting 
Friday, February 2, 2024, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Nanaimo Marriott Courtyard Hotel, 100 Gordon St., Nanaimo BC, V9R 5J8 
Meeting ID:  M8NXTDN5LGB

 Meeting Minutes

Regional Executive Meeting – February 2, 2024
1.    Approval of Agenda – (All) m/s/c
2.    Approval of Minutes – (All)
a.    December 7, 2023 m/s/c
3.    Business Arising from Minutes – (All)
a.    Review of action items
4.    Regional Director Report - (M. Cranny)
Morgan’s report:
Since our last RX meeting in December, I prepared a report for the CFIA-VM AGM and that was presented by Dean and Terri Dec 14th. Thanks to them for meeting up with those members. I attended the Northern BC Branch AGM in Prince George Dec 18th which was a nice event with good attendance. Thanks to Pete for organizing that and having me come up.  I attended a virtual BC Fed meeting Jan 18th which was good. They are well organized and while not a lot is relevant to us directly, it is good information. Most valuable so far are the strike/lockout notices and Boycott information. 
Current disputes: CUPE 4500 vs Coast Mountain Bus Company; UNITE HERE! Local 40 vs Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel and UNITE HERE! Local 40 vs. Radisson Blu (formerly Pacific Gateway Hotel). 
Boycotts for: Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel, Hilton Vancouver Airport Hotel, Marriott Vancouver Airport Hotel – UNITE HERE! Local 40/BCFED; SAS Group (Scandinavian Airlines System) – CLC; Radisson Blu (formerly Pacific Gateway Hotel), Richmond, BC – UNITEHERE! Local 40/BCFED; H&R Block, Canadian Tire, Rogers, Wendy’s, Home Hardware, Sleep Country – ACTRA/CLC
I attended an informal meet ‘n greet coffee event at the Pacific Biological Station (DFO) Dec 1st which was nice. Talked to a few members, answered a few questions. The bulk are Biologists (SP). Trouble getting research scientists to participate in union activities. Maria Cornthwaite (Nanaimo SP subgroup president) and Nick Leone (North Central Vancouver Island Branch) organized that. Probably 20-30 people came through. It was open so there were a few PSAC members kicking around as well but better together!  Also on the 1st was the NCVI Branch AGM. It was a pretty intimate affair but they are trying to rebuild after being pretty dormant. Allen Mesner is the new President, Carl Cahoun is VP, Nick Leone has agreed to be secretary but would really like to step back as he is retired. They also have a returning treasurer and 3 members at large (including Maria). Crystal Drummond joined which was nice. The branch hopes to team with the SP subgroup (one of the biggest groups of members) for outreach. I told them I would support them the best I could.

I have attended 2 BOD meetings, Dec 14-15 (Virtual) and Jan 21-24 in Wakefield. The Dec meeting was really a bit of a debrief of the AGM and some pressing business. The president was not present for that one. The Jan one included a Regional Directors meeting and a day of Strategic Planning.
RD Meeting summary
Cost of the National Youth summit was $58K total ($15K AV, $12K claims, $8K F&B, $7K Hotel, $6K Salary and $10K Travel)
There is a desire to nationalize the Steward of the Year timeline. Also clear and consistent criteria for actual nomination. This may lead to someone outside our region to nominate one of our stewards. I have been asked to provide Chris Roach (AC Director) our nomination timelines. NCR criteria is quite robust and was shared by Stacey Mclaren (https://pipsc.ca/regions/ncr/news/ncr-awards-policy)
I mentioned making sure our youth activists are trained on claims. This applies to all our activists who run events. Treasurer’s training available which isn’t quite it but also important.
Do we need/want an HRDC committee for BCY? I’m not sure but something to talk about.
We talked about cost savings going forward. Ideas such as removing afternoon break food, not having breakfast and possibly including more Sunday’s. I am not a big fan of Sunday’s as I think we need to have some chance to rest.
Strategic Planning was quite interesting. A facilitator helped us look at what has happened, what we are dealing with now and what we want to accomplish in the next 6mos to 2years. This strategic session included staff and that was great. There is a big push to be more collaborative as the Board should have the vision but staff have to make it work and getting that collaboration at the beginning will really help us succeed (I think). More to come on that.
Board summary. Unfortunately, the president was sick for the second day but we did get through our agenda. There was a backlog of minutes to process and updates on legal matters.
It is an election year so more focus on making sure we are ready for that. I was asked about our regional election procedure and wonder if we need more clarity on election appeals in our bylaws? I’m not sure as it seems moot usually.
There is a triannual review in progress on the terms and conditions for elected officials.
The committees of the board have all been filled except the Election Appeals Committee. There were not enough candidates that we felt would fit this important role so that is being looked into.
We reviewed and passed the cell phone and internet policies as well as compensation for elected members.
I will be heading up to Whitehorse for the YHC AGM on Feb 28th. I am also helping organize a lunch with ECC folks and it looks like at least one other meeting on the 1st. Stay tuned to this developing story.
Accept and approve Morgan’s oral report. m/s/c
5.    Office/Staff Report – (K. Hawkins)
Kris’ report:
We are at full staff capacity right now. Saba is a term and likely moving to the Prairies. There are quite a few FPSLREB hearings coming up in the west. Will likely be down two EROS for Labour School because of this but will be able to support our needs with Saba and Natasha assisting Simon and Dulce. The average caseload is sitting in the high 50s-low 60s. BST will be facilitated by Dulce/Simon this spring.
Accept and approve Kris’ oral report. m/s/c
6.    Financial Report – Treasurer - (P. MacDougall)
a.    Financial update – presented financial report December 31, 2023 showing income allocation and expenditures.
Accept and approve Pete’s financial report. m/s/c
7.    Regional Training Committee Report – (P. MacDougall) 
a.    Upcoming training in BC/Yukon Region – burnout prevention course at Labour School in April 2024. 
b.    National training initiatives – building Mentorship Program. 
Accept and approve Pete’s oral Training Committee report. m/s/c
8.    Awards Committee – (D. Corda)
a.    Executive of the Year – eligibility criteria must be active in an executive for 2 years but have had nominations for some who have less than 2 years of experience. AI: Dean will discuss eligibility criteria at Award Committee meeting.
b.    Steward of the Year
•    Criteria update – (M. Cranny) want to make the criteria consistent across the country. AI: Morgan after discussion at next RX meeting, Morgan will send eligibility criteria to Chris Roach.
9.    YPN Initiative – (D. Chiu)
a.    YP Forum – April 2024? AI: Davy discuss with YPN committee for arranging forum with RX Meeting, Labour School or Steward Council considering additional travel expenses if applicable.
b.    YPC Terms of Reference – hoping to get a 2 or 3 year strategic plan. Karen Hall will be the observer to help with YPC Terms of Reference.
10.    National initiatives
a.    Legacy Fund & challenge cup – (S. Auchoybur) No updates from National. AI: Lauren to circulate potential west coast prize items up to $300 limit for Legacy Fund.
11.    New Business
a.    Confirm bylaw amendments have been approved by BoD
b.    Branch President check-ins – AI: Dean will email Branch Presidents for interest in virtual check-ins.
c.    Regional Council update
•    Speakers and Entertainment – Rob MacDonald will chair the Regional Council. AI: Morgan will invite President Jenn Carr and CLC as speakers. AI: Dean will connect with PSAC for relationship building. AI: Katrina to inquire about availability and cost of Ted Ex as speakers. AI: Crystal to look at speakers for engagement and future of the union as a continuation from the AGM.
•    Sponsored Charity - AI: Phil will look up a charity to be sponsored at Regional Council in Kelowna.
•    Elder – AI: Terri will look for an elder in Kelowna.
•    Resolutions – deadline will be included as part of the invitation to Regional Council.
•    Entertainment – AI: Dean will ask for input for entertainment from the Branch Presidents. AI: Morgan will look into trivia. AI: Alicia will look into bingo.
•    Board of Directors attachment to Regional Council – opportunity for members to meet BOD. Plan a member engagement event on Saturday night. AI: Dean will prepare agenda for Branch Presidents’ meeting for June.
d.    Steward Council update
•    Christina Nikiforuk as a speaker? Morgan indicated Christina was better for Steward Council. AI: Morgan to book Christina Nikiforuk for Steward Council.
•    Entertainment AI: Morgan will contact Roger Haskins.
e.    Training School choices
f.    Elections policy for Regional Council and Regional events – attached to invitation to Regional Council. Bring no campaigning policy at next RX meeting.
g.    Review of funding requests from Regional offer
received 15 requests as of Feb 2, 2024. Discussed and reviewed requests limited to $50 per person. Approved $2,000 cap is $5,000. Requests approved should not include bargaining, provide an amount, reimbursement supported by receipts, follow up with brief summaries and cc: Morgan and Pete. AI: Morgan will draft a thank you for the approved requests. AI: Dean will contact and thank the ones who were not approved.
h.    HRDC for Regional Executive – tabled to April meeting. AI: Morgan to reach to other directors for Terms of Reference.
i.    Yukon outreach - Feb
j.    second legacy winner - Alexis Shepherd AI: Phil to invite speaker from Boys and Girls Club for Regional Council.
k.    Delegate Attendance Report
l.    Update on speakers for Regional + Steward Council (T. D'Souza) Contacted speaker at PSAC and is tentatively available for Regional Council.
m.    Staff appreciation AI: Dean to arrange and coordinate with Kris a staff appreciation dinner in Nov 2024.
12.    Next Meeting(s)
a.    April 9 & 10, 2024, Hilton Metrotown, Burnaby
b.    June 5, 2024 Training Committee, June 6, 2024, Coast Capri Hotel, Kelowna
c.    Sept 6 & 7, 2024 meeting at tentatively at Harrison Hot Springs depending on costs
d.    October 17, 2024, JW Marriot Hotel, Vancouver, October 18 & 19 Steward Council
e.    November 8 & 9, 2024 PIPSC AGM in Toronto, Ontario
f.    November 28, 2024, Vancouver
13.    Roundtable
a.    Lauren – AI: Lauren/Dean organize storage locker with Dean and Branch President.
b.    Soodittee – visibility items. AI: Soodittee/Lauren to inquire about visibility items such as vests. Morgan will get PIPSC shirts that fit for attending meetings. AI: Morgan to look for backpacks, laptop bags and portfolios.
14.    Adjournment - To adjourn. m/s/c