AGM Date / Time: 16 April 2024 @ 5:30 pm
AGM Location: Traditions, Barrie, ON
Attendance: Branch: 8
AFS: 16
IT: 42
Guests: 2
Registration / Meet and Greet. Attending members were provided with a registration package and then had a chance to network with fellow members and guests prior to the meeting. S. Labbe introduced an icebreaker, team building game to win one of 3 special door prizes.
Opening and Call to Order. M. Doll, Branch President, called the AGM to order at 5:50 p.m. and welcomed the Branch membership and the Guest Speakers, John Purdie and Tom Zaharapoulos. He recognized the attendance of the AFS Subgroup and IT Subgroup memberships both of whom are holding their AGMs in conjunction with the Branch AGM. He explained how this year’s AGM would include 3 sets of elections and therefore, the Agenda was shortened and his goal was to end the meeting early.
Approve PSGB AGM 2024 Agenda. M. Doll showed the Agenda and asked for it to be accepted. Moved by G. Heryet and seconded by J. Bonneville. A show of hands indicated that the majority in attendance accepted the Agenda.
Accept AGM 2023 Minutes. M. Doll advised that the AGM minutes were signed by the President and Vice-President and distributed to members post AGM 2023. He asked that the minutes be accepted. Moved by S. Bertrand and seconded by S. Labbe. A show of hands indicated that the majority in attendance accepted the minutes as published.
Dinner. The meeting was paused to allow attendees to eat and network.
AFS Subgroup Report and Elections. Lawrence Persaud, AFS Sub-Group President, described that although the Barrie office experiences many different challenges, there were only 5 grievances this year. He expressed how proud he was that most often, issues were dealt with quickly and effectively with management, leading in position resolutions for all parties involved.
L. Malkrab, Treasurer, provided the AFS Financial Report and made the motion to accept financials are presented. S. Labbé seconded it. A show of hands indicated that the majority in attendance accepted the report.
S. Labbé, chair of AFS Subgroup Elections, announced elections to be called for 2 positions: President and Secretary. The elections began with the President's position. L. Persaud submitted his candidacy via email. Call for nominations from the floor, no other nominations were presented. L. Persaud was acclaimed. The next position available was for the Secretary’s position. T. Huffman submitted her candidacy via email. Call for nominations from the floor, no other nominations were presented. T. Huffman was acclaimed. AFS Sub-Group member door prizes were drawn.
Branch President’s Report. M. Doll thanked all the members for attending. He recognized the current Branch Executive members and noted their continued efforts throughout the year. He announced that he would not be standing for the President position at this year’s Branch election but instead confirmed his support for the candidates that had expressed their willingness to join. He recognized that the Executive Committee would benefit from members being of various subgroups, to better represent membership and interests. He noted the current workplace issues that all face and how union involvement has never been more important.
Financial Report/Approval. Grant Heryet, Treasurer, presented the Branch financial reports for 2024 and 2025 highlighting the expenditures, forecasts and the balances. A motion to accept Branch reports was made by G. Heryet and seconded by R. Steffler. Approval by all Branch members was given by a show of hands.
IT Subgroup Report. Grant then presented the IT Sub-Group financial reports for 2024 and 2025. A motion to approve the IT Subgroup reports were moved by M. Doll and seconded by D. Scarling. The motion was passed via a show of hands by IT subgroup members.
Branch Elections. L. Persaud, chair of the Branch Elections, announced that elections would be held for all 11 positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and 7 MALs. No candidates submitted prior to AGM. Called for President nominations. S. Labbe was nominated by M. Doll, she accepted. No other nominations from the floor and so, S. Labbe was acclaimed as President. Called for Vice-President nominations. D. Scarling was nominated by M. Doll, she accepted. No other nominations from the floor and so, D. Scarling was acclaimed as Vice-President. Called for Treasurer nominations. R. Steffler was nominated by M. Doll, he accepted. No other nominations from the floor and so, R. Steffler was acclaimed as Treasurer. Called for Secretary nominations. S. Bertrand was nominated by M. Doll, he accepted. No other nominations from the floor and so, S. Bertrand was acclaimed as Secretary.
The Member At Large positions were then called from the floor: M. Doll was nominated by S. Labbe, he accepted; J. Bonneville was nominated by S. Labbe, she accepted; R. Santos was nominated by M. Doll, he accepted; C. Steffler was nominated by M. Doll, he accepted; M. Dhindsa was nominated by M. Doll, he accepted; E. Quinn was nominated by M. Doll, she accepted; Carli-Anne Borysenko-Casault nominated herself, she accepted. No other nominations for Member At Large were received, the 7 candidates were acclaimed.
IT Subgroup Elections. Y. SriTharan, Chair of the IT elections, announced that there would be elections for all 11 positions of the IT subgroup: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and 7 MALs. No candidates submitted prior to AGM. Called for President nominations. G. Heryet was nominated by M. Doll, he accepted. No other nominations from the floor and so, G. Heryet was acclaimed as President. Called for Vice-President nominations. D. Scarling was nominated by M. Doll, she accepted. No other nominations from the floor and so, D. Scarling was acclaimed as Vice-President. Called for Treasurer nominations. R. Steffler was nominated by M. Doll, he accepted. No other nominations from the floor and so, R. Steffler was acclaimed as Treasurer. Called for Secretary nominations. M. Doll was nominated by S. Bertrand, he accepted. No other nominations from the floor and so, M. Doll was acclaimed as Secretary. The MAL positions were then called from the floor: S. Bertrand was nominated by G. Heryet, he accepted; J. Bonneville was nominated by M. Doll, she accepted; R. Santos was nominated by S. Bertrand, he accepted; C. Steffler was nominated by S. Bertrand, he accepted; M. Dhindsa was nominated by M. Doll, he accepted. No other nominations for Member At Large were received, the 5 candidates were acclaimed.
PIPSC Guest Speaker. John Purdie, PIPSC Ontario Director spoke about the priorities of PIPSC. He spoke about the various upcoming training sessions that would be offered to Ontario stewards and members. He spoke about the multiple meet-and-greet events that were held in Ontario and to their success. Announced the continued outreach efforts that ORE would pursue this year. He also spoke about the PIPSC budget and how costs were being cut to minimize the deficit projected. Spoke about the 2024 AGM that would be held in Toronto this year, Ontario is very happy to be the host of this event.
Door Prizes Draw. The game prizes were drawn and awarded to 3 lucky winners. PIPSC branded and non-PIPSC branded items sourced from Simcoe-Grey businesses were drawn for Branch members.
Points from the Floor. A. Champoux, member of the IT subgroup, called to question the IT elections. In the past, it was argued that positions were staggered, and not all positions were elected in the same year. After reviewing the website, it was noted that A. Champoux was right and that the current IT Executive would only hold a 1-year term and that next year’s AGM, the correct elections process would have to be held.
Members expressed gratitude to the Executive Committee for their efforts with organizing and holding the 2024 AGM. Positive remarks on the door prizes, game, buffet/meal and overall AGM, were pronounced.
Closing Statement / Adjournment.
M. Doll thanked all for attending and welcomed the newly formed Executive Committee, wishing them all a good 2-year term.
Simcoe-Grey Branch Executive members
Simcoe-Grey IT Subgroup Executive members
Barrie AFS Subgroup Executive members