Ontario Regional Executive - Record of Proceedings

Meeting Date


February 8, 2020

9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.




Peter Gilkinson, Regional Director and ORE Chair, Labour day parade co-ordinator, and Provincial Employers Group Liaison Lead

Din Kamaldin, ORE Vice-Chair, and Labour day parade co-ordinator

John G. Purdie – Ontario Regional Council Chair, Resolution Sub-committee member and Provincial Employers Group Liaison assistant, and Training Committee Recording Secretary 

Tom Yantsis – Ontario Region Treasurer

Yvonne Snaddon – Branch Liaison Assistant and Young Professional Liaison Assistan

Christopher P. L'Estrange – Recording Secretary, Training Committee member and Events Co-ordinator

Judy Chow – Social Media Manager and Branch Liaison Lead

Peter S. Jozsa – Steward Council Chair, and Training Committee Chair and Newsletter Editor

Tom Z – ORC Vice-chair, and Resolution Sub-committee member

Tim Azab – Labour day parade co-ordinator & Legacy Foundation Champion & Social Media Manager

Kuini Chuen - LGBTQ2S+ co-ordinator, Social Media Manager, Labour day parade co-ordinator and Young Professional Liaison Lead

Members (Absent)









Christopher L’Estrange


Item #

Discussion Summary


Call to order by the Chair


Motion to begin the meeting promptly at 9:30 pm

Moved by: Peter Gilkinson

Seconded by: Chris L’Estrange

Motion Carried


Approval of Amended Agenda 


Discussion regarding the agenda. We decided the order of items for this meeting. 

Motion to approve the meeting agenda.

Moved by: Peter Gilkinson

Seconded by: Yvonne Snaddon 

Motion Carried


Approval the November 23, 2019 Minutes


Motion to approve the meeting minutes.

Moved by: Peter Gilkinson

Seconded by: Pete Jozsa 

Motion Carried


Items arising from the previous minutes


Chris went through the November 23, 2020 Action Items:


Action Item: The Resolution sub-committee to develop a policy on Branches and submit to the Executive for review. Ongoing.  

Action Item: To put forward a motion to the PIPSC AGM 2020 regarding “alternates” to committees of the board Ongoing. To be further discussed at the planning meeting in June 2020.

New Action Item: Yvonne to meet with Jennifer Carr that the Ontario Region would like to discuss the possibility of having “Alternates”. Is PIPSC already working on this?  

Action Item: Judy to price out a button maker and bring it back to the ORE for further consideration. Deferred to the next meeting.  

Action Item: Yvonne will contact Debbie Butler to communicate the fact that the ORE is planning to hold an event (Feb 6, 2020) and will be requesting funding.  

Action Item: Young Professionals involvement in 2020 PIPSC AGM; Executive of the year; Steward of the year – new portfolio.  Ongoing. 

Action Item: That Peter Gilkinson and Pete Jozsa will work on the wording for a revised resolution on official language sub-committee to the board of directors and bring this to the February ORE meeting. 

New Action Item: Pete J to send the ORE the wording of a motion on this topic. 

Action Item: Peter Gilkinson to contact the National PIPSC President to ask what the strategy is from PIPSC standpoint – re Ontario legislation 1%. 

Action Item: Judy to request email distribution list is forthcoming (Branch Presidents). 

Action Item: Tom to bring the Financial Statements for the ORC to the next meeting in February.

Action Item: Branch Liaison to gather additional information (regarding the Guelph-Kitchener Branch request for Better Together funding) and bring it to the next ORE meeting in February.  (Funding for Gym). Ongoing.



Ontario Regional Council April 2020 – John Purdie


John went through the draft agenda for the 2020 ORC, along with a briefing on the items on the agenda; including the guest speaker list etc.

Discussions and questions ensued.  Childcare etc. 


Ontario Region Motions


Action Item: Peter will bring back the motions from last years ORC to this year’s ORC. Peter will forward these motions to Heather by the end of February.

YPC attendees at the ORC will be reimbursed by PIPSC if they are not delegates to the ORC. 

The Ontario Region by-law 5.5 allows 2 delegates per Branch. 


Portfolio Reports


a)  Branch Liaison – Yvonne Snaddon and Judy Chow

Branch President’s Meeting was last Friday. 

The request from some Hamilton-Burlington Branch members wishing to change Branches to Hamilton CRA Branch is ongoing.

John and Judy to work on this issue on behalf of the ORC.  

b) Event Co-ordinator - Chris L’Estrange

ORC hospitality for two nights. John will provide details to Chris secretarially regarding any specifics at the hotel.

c) Labour Day Parade 

Strategizing. Planning starts in June or July. Emails will go out in July. 

d) Legacy Foundation Champion – Tim Azab

Tim has requested our YTD figures. We have no information regarding what the Ontario contributions are at this time. We are strategizing to increase Ontario donations. The ORE has extended their support.

e) Newsletter – Pete J,

Our Spring 2020 Newsletter needs articles. Second call will be March 4, last call will be March 24. The deadline to submit items is March 29, 2020.

Action Items: Judy to send an email reminder (as above) to the ORE for newsletter items.

f) Resolution sub-committee – John Purdie

Report was submitted, and is on the Google drive. 

g) Secretary – ORE – Chris L’Estrange

Nothing to report. 
h)  Social Media – Judy, Pete J, Kuini

Brainstorming regarding how we can engage our members though our social media. Some great ideas were suggested. We will suggest comments are valuable regarding submissions as we notice comments are lacking while the views are high.  

Instagram is comparably popular with younger members while Facebook is more popular with the older members.

i)  Treasurer  - Tom Yantsis

Tom presented the financial statements for YE 2019-12-31, and the 2020 Budget.

Motion: To approve the Financial report.

First: Tim Azab

Second: Peter Gilkinson


We discussed swag for the ORC.


ORE to authorize a budget of $50 per delegate to the ORC. 

First: Tom Z

Second: John Purdie


j)  Training – Pete Jozsa (chair), Chris, John

    - Basic Steward Training

        - we have 37 at this basic training February 2020 as we were able to increase participants due to having 57 on a waiting list. 

    - Labour School

May 23, 2020

    - Executive / Leadership Training

The training is scheduled for June 12, 13 2020. Each Branch can send one of their Executive to be trained, and a different person each time. We hope to have all of them trained eventually although with renewal of Executives that’s ongoing. There are 27 Branches in Ontario. 

k) Young Professionals liaison  – Kuini

  • The Young Professionals would like to refresh the committee. Yvonne sent out a call to members for any interest in new YP who would like to apply for the committee.
  • A survey to gather information on demographics, age, location etc, communication preferences, and if they have been involved in union events. The survey is working on translation at this time. A prize will be offered for those who enter it. The survey will only be sent to young PIPSC members i.e. under age 40. They also ask about what types of activities they might be interested in, BBQ etc. 
  • Additionally, questions about the types of leave taken if any. Parental leave, etc., to see what needs they have. 

Action Item: Yvonne and Kuini will go through the list of submissions and put them on the shared google drive for consideration by the ORE.

Action Item: Conference call on February 26, 2020 to select the new committee members.

l) Provincial Employer liaison – Peter Gilkinson 

Peter has reached out but has had only one response. 


Committee Reports


a) By-Laws and Policies Committee – John Purdie

- BLPC meeting will meet April 6, 2020.

b) Election Appeal Committee – Michael Forbes

- No activity

c) Election Committee – Chris L’Estrange

- 2020 - first meeting March 30, 2020.

d) Finance Committee – Tom Yantsis

    -     Review Treasurer’s report above in these minutes.

e) Human Rights and Diversity – Din Kamaldin

    -     First meeting will be last week of Feb or first week of March.

f) ITSPC – Yvonne Snaddon

    Nothing to report.

g) PRQC – Tim Azab

    Nothing to report

h) Science Advisory – vacant

    All committees except this one were formed at the last board meeting.

i)   TEC– Pete Jozsa

Popular education model is being adopted.

Basic Steward training will be a complete revamp. It must be rolled out to the ERO’s first, then in September the new stewards will be given the new training. Pete provided an explanation.

j) Better Together


2020 Steward Council – Pete J


The agenda was shared secretarially.

Comment on the agenda for the OSC. 

The 2021 agenda. There are quotes for the hotel which appear to all be over budget. However, Pete is working on this to see if our budget needs to be increased for 2021.


New Business


Stewards – General Discussion on Steward renewal.

Ontario Logo – Judy presented some options. 

Action Items: More changes will be made and presented by Judy at our next meeting. 


Director’s Report


Director’s Report:

Peter gave his Director’s Report.


Round Table


Everyone exchanged well wishes. 


Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm


Motion to adjourn at 5:00 pm

First: Peter Gilkinson

Seconded: Tim Azab
