PIPSC Edmonton Branch President Report
Our Basic Steward Training took place in mid March of 2018. We trained 16 stewards.
Our Labour school took place at the Matrix in downtown Edmonton. We had 50 stewards attend from the Prairie Region. We offered OHS managing interpersonal conflict and investigative techniques. We also hosted a meet and greet sponsored by the Region.
Regional Council was in Edmonton at Fort Edmonton Park. Attendees were given the option of spending the evening at the Matrix hotel where we were hosting the PRC. The weather was horrible the buses lost their way and we had a great supper and fabulous time anyway. The prairie people are a hardy bunch.
We also put on an annual picnic every year at Borden Park. It usually runs from 11:30-3:00. There is food drinks games and a few prizes. It was a beautiful day and we had approximately 70 attend.
Steward Council was held at the Winnipeg Fairmont last year in September. I am sure that anyone that attended can tell you our speaker was so good that no one actually left during his performances.
We also had a lunch and learn at ATB place for EWSP (Employee Wellness Support Program). Our lunch and learn programs are proving to be somewhat more difficult to arrange since our affordable downtown Library is being renovated. &However our presenter was very engaging which always happens when someone is forced to present without their trusty computer.
Some of our members were given the opportunity to attend a retirement presentation hosted by the NFRA. I know many were disappointed that they could not get a spot due to the popularity of the event but we are considering hosting similar events in the near future. Lunch and Learns will be coming back to the forefront when we can acquire more reasonably priced locales. We will keep you informed.
We attempted to hold a steward appreciation event at the bowling alley. However lack of interest required cancellation of the event. Hopefully this year’s event will spark more interest.
The Edmonton Branch executive were selected to represent the Prairie Region on a number of national board committees. I represented the region at the National Finance Committee. Stewart Wong represented us at the Professional Recognition Qualifications Committee. Barrie Wickware represented us at the Elections Appeals Committee and Patrick Provost represented us at the Appeals committee.
Sadly we had a previous Branch member file duplications of their expense claims. This was dealt with at the National level.We are in the process of reacquiring our funds from the individual and a complaint has been made. This happened because we trusted our people.This was a hugely disappointing happening for our Branch.
Thank You
Sharon Losinski
Edmonton Branch President