MEETING: Ville-Marie Chapter Executive Meeting

PLACE: Virtual

DATE:       November 21, 2024




Renaud Guiard, Evangelia Costamis, François Pilon, Donald Lefebvre, Denis Hudon, Pascal Cloutier, Wendy Blouin

Diego Rivera, Damien Noël, François Goulet, Isabelle Gagné


(Translated from French)

  1. Approval of the agenda
    1. The agenda was presented to the Executive.
    2. There were no requests for additions or modifications.
    3. Renaud moved to approve the minutes.
    4. Seconded by Donald.
    5. All in favour.
  2. Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  3. The minutes of the meeting of September 4, 2024, were revised and remained unchanged.
  4. No changes requested.
  5. Approval moved by Denis.
  6. Seconded by Renaud.
  7. All in favour.


  1. A word from the Executive
    1. A word from the President

Renaud welcomes everyone. He announced that the French name “chapitre” had been changed to “section” at the PIPSC national AGM. On December 2, a meeting with pension fund specialist Réjean Michaud will be held at the Deli Planet restaurant, to answer any questions members may have. We’re going to set aside an amount for a certain number of people. Renaud proposed a budget ceiling of $1,500 (or $50 maximum per member) and is seconded by Evangelia. From December 3, PIPSC will be limiting its communications.

A word from the treasurer

December 15 is the deadline for submitting documents to obtain the 2025 allowance. A detailed report from the treasurer will be submitted at a future executive meeting.


  1. Ongoing action items

2409-01) Denis – Ensure the previous meeting’s minutes are corrected and translated (October 24, 2023): Done and is on the branch’s website

2409-02) Renaud and Denis – Minutes of 2019 AGM to be sent for translation and delivery to Lyse: To do

2409-03) Denis – Contact Lyse and have the list of the Executive members modified on the website; the Executive will provide their contact information to the Secretary for internal Branch communications and for external communications on the PIPSC website: Done, but members must go to the “Executive” page and check that everything is OK. If a revision is required, notify the secretary.

2409.04) Renaud – Contact Lyse and ask her to modify the list of members in the Executive distribution list – And change the name to executifsvm

2409.05) New members – Request a @pipsc account from Informatics. Pascal Cloutier needs to activate his new PIPSC account.

2409.06) Renaud – Add the new members to the Drive: Done by Renaud

2409.07) Treasury: Request access to the bank account.

2409.08) Treasury: apply for the 2024 allocation (deadline of December 15)

2411.01) Renaud: place the list of 120 RANDS on the drive.

2411.01) Renaud: send funds to the PSAC to cover our members’ expenses for the September 4 mobilization at Guy-Favreau.


  1. Topics discussed
    1. AGM 2025 - Alcohol. It was agreed that the Ville-Marie branch would not pay for alcohol at the 2025 AGM.
    2. Portfolio follow-up:

Communications (Donald Lefebvre); the SP group can serve as an example, with its What’s App space for SP members. Donald will create a What’s App space for the executive.

Engagement events (Pascal Cloutier and François Pilon);  the end of January 2025 is targeted for a sugar shack activity. Details will be provided at a later date.

Promotional material - often linked to the AGM (Evangelia Costamis); a toque is suggested as an idea. Further proposals to follow at a future meeting.

Registration of RAND members (Donald Lefebre); people who are not RAND (or RANDY) members are not listed. Only the RANDS are those with whom we can communicate. We have 120 RAND members. We can set up a telephone chain with the stewards.

2025 AGM Committee: (Wendy Blouin, François Goulet and Isabelle Gagné).

For example, you’ll need to pay $300 for a 4-hour block of the Centre Saint-Pierre hall, apply for a liquor license (if alcohol is involved), and arrange for a caterer. Wendy will check on the date to be determined and the menu to be ordered either via a caterer or a restaurant chain. The menu must be varied to accommodate certain diets or allergies. The month of October is targeted.

    1. “Sorry for the traffic, I’ve got to get to a video conference” car bumper/window stickers. Renaud can place an order for stickers on demand, and the executive can distribute them.
    2. Review of the September 4 mobilization event at Guy-Favreau and approval of $500 to PSAC for the organization and the food (25 meals at $20 = $500). Finally, meals were $20.
    3. Dinner talk with Magali Picard, President, and Denis Bolduc, FTQ General Secretary Tuesday evening, November 26. The file has been looked at in the past, and the Ville-Marie section won’t be taking part.


  1. Other business/Roundtable
    1. Renaud informed us that union dues have been increased by $17.50 per month. He also explained the motivation behind the e-mail sent to members for the training questionnaire.
  2. Adjournment
    1. Renaud moved that the meeting be adjourned.
    2. Seconded by Pascal; unanimously carried.
    3. Renaud thanked everyone for participating.
    4. Meeting was adjourned.
    5. Next meeting to be determined in January.