PIPSC Science Advisory Committee
25 April 2022
Invited: Waheed Khan (Chair), Michael Pauley, David Li Tang, Simon Zhou, Joseph Paquette, Sung Joon Kim, Georgine Pastershank, Eleanor McGrath (staff resource), Marielle Nadon (staff support)
Regrets: none
- Call to order (Waheed)
- Waheed introduces himself and confirms that the virtual participants are correctly hearing the meeting.
- Approval of Agenda
- Agenda adopted
- Introductions
- Introduction of each participant, their locations and work positions/achievements.
- Health Break
- SAC mandate and role of Friends of SAC (Waheed)
- Explanation of what a committee is, their purpose and how a committee links to the board of directors.
- Suggestion to apply to the AGM and meet a couple of days before.
- Waheed goes through the policies of the board of directors about committees.
- Friends of the committee aren’t allowed salary reimbursements or travel and accommodation expenses. However, they can attend all the meetings.
- Waheed was hoping to have one friend of the committee for each region.
- Issue from members: Scientific Integrity conference attendance was an issue from a finance point of view and also to be approved to attend from their manager.
- Issue from members: not many promotions available. The subjects are really specific and can constraint people to get a promotion/other positions.
- Issue from members: unstable position that doesn’t become “undetermined” automatically after X years. People looking for stability will apply elsewhere creating a shorting in staff.
- Contracting out is an issue.
- Q&A with Didier Paultre, Manager, Finance (travel, salary replacement, etc)
- Policy
- Questions (requests for electronic T4, etc): finance@pipsc.ca
- Lunch break
- SAC mandate and role of Friends of SAC (continued)
- Briefings from staff
- Scientific Integrity (Eleanor McGrath)
- Updates from SI Governance Committee Meeting (31 March 2022)
- SI Training (Eleanor McGrath)
- Women in Science (Sadi Pokharel)
- Scientific Integrity (Eleanor McGrath)
- Health break
- SAC strategic goals 2022-2025
- Mapping Women in Science project and upcoming events.
- More support and engagement around Scientific Integrity.
- More engagement from women in science toward the Science Advisory Committee.
- Find data or make a survey on career development.
- Increase engagement with members.
- Other updates/roundtable/next meeting
- Next meeting will be held on June 27, 2022.
- In-person meetings are more appreciated by members.
- The meeting was really productive.
- Adjournment
Action items:
- Eleanor to get budget for public science.
- Everyone to share ideas (if some) with the Committee before the next meeting.
- Marielle to take minutes of the meeting and share with Waheed for approval.