2021: The year ahead

We have all been through so much over the past year; it is certainly a challenge to know what to expect in the year ahead of us now. Of course there is much that we can’t predict, but our work together continues. 

Our members continue to be at the heart of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are so proud of the members at Health Canada working tirelessly to approve safe vaccines for people in Canada. As a union, we continue to push hard for access to code 699 leave for federal public servants who need to care for sick family members or children who are at home because of school closures. This is not business as usual so all employers must adapt. 

Our Employment Relations Officers continue to be available to support you with any issues accessing code 699 leave or any other issues related to COVID-19. 

Reach out for union support

We are expecting a federal budget early this year and we are listening closely to rumours of a spring federal election. We are prepared to push for an end to outsourcing, to defend public science, and to promote tax fairness whenever the election is called. We are collaborating with the Canadian Labour Congress and our fellow unions pushing for better jobs, health care improvements, and protections for our most vulnerable community members. We are prepared to take on any austerity measures, in order to protect our members and our public services. 

We are working hard with our members at NAV CANADA to oppose short-sighted layoffs. We have met with elected officials from all parties urging the federal government to immediately provide emergency funding to NAV CANADA. We cannot afford to lose the expertise that has kept our skies safe. 

Take action to support NAV CANADA

Our popular pensions campaign will continue into 2021, so everyone will have the opportunity to learn about the details of your pension. We’ll also be talking more about the investment of the Public Service Pension Plan in for-profit long-term care. It’s unacceptable and we have a plan to push back. 

The Human Rights and Diversity Committee continues leading our work for increased equity and representation for all members. And the Women in Science group will be releasing a toolkit full of resources to take action in your workplace to increase diversity and inclusion. There is a role for each one of us in ending all discrimination in our society.

Our discussions with the Treasury Board on the Employee Wellness Support Program are ongoing. And our AGM that began on December 5, 2020 will resume on April 10, 2021.

It is a busy time for bargaining as well. We are starting the year with 18 groups at various stages of the bargaining process. From our New Brunswick groups, to our members in national museums and federal parliament, to Ontario health care workers and our engineers in Manitoba  – you have the force of our 60,000 members and 100 years of experience behind you as you work hard for a fair collective agreement. 

We must continue to work together, in solidarity, to advocate for professionals in our workplaces, build on the strength and influence of our union, and push for the Canada we believe in. 

It is clear, now more than ever, that we are better together!

3 May 2019
On behalf of all PIPSC members, I want to express our support and encouragement to our fellow members and all of those currently affected by the extensive flooding across the country. Many of our members have been directly impacted as a result of the flooding and evacuations.

20 March 2019
It’s hard not to see the latest federal budget as a pre-election platform. It’s equally hard not to see it as a progress report on the “real change” promised during the last election.

5 March 2019
Protecting our members’ pensions remains a top priority for PIPSC. On February 26, 2019 CRPEG President Jonathan Fitzpatrick was joined by Canadian Alliance of Nuclear Workers (CANW) representatives Steven Schumann and Matt Wayland  in a meeting with three members of the Opposition on Parliament Hill. The issue: the return of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories workers into a public service pension plan.

28 February 2019
The news this week that it will take a further three to five years to clean up the Phoenix backlog, and 10 or more years to stabilize the system, makes it obvious that on the third anniversary of the launch of the Phoenix pay system we should be laser-focused on implementing its replacement as soon as possible.

21 February 2019
On Tuesday February 5th PIPSC members were on Parliament Hill to discuss the importance of the critical public services we deliver to Canadians. A delegation of close to 30 members, representing a range of Groups and Regions, met with over 30 Parliamentarians. It was a unique opportunity to bring key priorities directly to the decision makers.

20 February 2019
PIPSC recently submitted comments to Finance Canada’s public consultation into draft legislative proposals related to salary overpayments.