Thank you to our public service professionals

Each day you go to work to protect and serve people in Canada in many different ways.

When COVID-19 struck, you were ready and you delivered. You are what keeps this country together, and we couldn’t be more proud.

Thank you!

20 November 2019
On November 20, 2019 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the composition of his new Cabinet.

18 November 2019
As you are certainly aware given the extensive media coverage over the past few days, at time of writing bed bugs have been found in at least 8 government buildings located in the National Capital Region. They have also been reported in federal government buildings in Montreal and Winnipeg. There may be other affected locations across Canada that have yet to be formally identified.

13 September 2019
We have developed this online Election Toolkit that will help you make an informed choice in electing a government that will protect public services and respect the people who provide them.

11 September 2019
On September 6, 2019, the government announced the investment of $117M in the design and delivery of the Next Generation human resources and pay system (NextGen), the much-awaited successor to the disastrous Phoenix.

31 July 2019
Parliament has risen and MPs are back in their home ridings — we are getting closer to the next federal election. With fixed election dates, we can expect Election Day to be Monday October 21, 2019.

10 July 2019
I recently wrote to Public Service Commission (PSC) President Patrick Borbey about the Employment Equity Promotion Rate Study published by his organization in late May 2019.