These By-Laws, in general, pertain to matters of Sub-Group organization not covered by the By-Laws and Regulations of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada or of the AFS Group and are made pursuant to those By-Laws and Regulations.


"Institute or PIPSC" means The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada.

"Members" means those who meet the requirements of By-Law 3 Membership.

“AFS” means the Audit, Financial and Scientific Group.

“President” means President of the Sub-Group unless otherwise specified.

“Vice-President” means the Vice-President of the Sub-Group unless otherwise specified.


The name of this Sub-Group shall be the PIPSC AFS IOTSO, hereinafter referred to as the "Sub-Group".


The aims of the Sub-Group are to act within the jurisdiction of the Sub-Group to further the professional interests of its members, to protect the status and standards of their profession and to formulate and express the views of the members on matters affecting them. The Sub-Group Executive shall inform the national AFS Group Executive of the concerns of the Sub-Group relative to any issues, including collective bargaining.


3.1 Every Regular member of the AFS Group working in the International and Ottawa Tax Services Office shall be a Regular member of the Sub-Group.


4.1 All regular members of the sub-group shall be eligible to hold office.

4.2, All members can nominate members for positions on the Sub-Group Executive, propose amendments to the Constitution and By-laws of the Sub-Group, and vote in Sub-Group affairs.


5.1 Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Sub-Group shall be the calendar year.

5.2 Expenditures The Sub-Group Executive shall expend such monies as it considers necessary for the conduct of the business of the Sub-Group.

5.3 Sub-Group Funds Sub-Group funds will be maintained in an account assigned by the Institute.

5.4 Signatures Financial transactions shall require the signature of any two (2) of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Sub-Group. A written account shall be kept of all expenditures.

5.5 Auditing As required, auditing and verification procedures shall be carried out by members of the Sub-Group who are not responsible for the administration of Sub-Group funds.

5.6 Additional Funding: Additional funding may be requested by submitting a budget via the Group Executive for approval and recommendation to the Institute Executive Committee.


6.1 Composition The Sub-Group Executive shall be composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer and Members-at-Large to the maximum permitted by Institute By-Laws, elected by and from the Sub-Group members at the Sub-Group Annual General Meeting.

6.2 Term of Office The term of office shall be two (2) years.

6.3 Meetings The Sub-Group Executive shall meet as frequently as is required, but at least twice a year.

6.4 Quorum A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Sub-Group Executive.

6.5 Voting Decisions shall be by majority vote.

6.6 Vacancies

6.6.1 If the position of President becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall assume the position of the President until the next election.

6.6.2 If a vacancy should occur in any position other than that of the President, the remaining members of the Executive may select an eligible member of the Sub-Group to fill that vacancy until the completion of the existing term for that position. Alternatively, if more than a year remains in the term, the Executive may opt to have that position filled by an election at the next Annual General Meeting for a term of one (1) year.

6.6.3 Any member who is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings of the Executive without valid reason shall be deemed to have resigned from the Executive.

6.6.4 If any positions on the executive remain open at the conclusion of the Sub-Group’s Annual General Meetings, then the members of the Executive may select eligible members of the Sub-Group to fill any vacancies for the terms allotted to those positions.

6.7 Duties of the Executive: The Sub-Group Executive shall manage the affairs of the Sub-Group in such a manner as to promote the aims of the Sub-Group as expressed by the majority of the members.

The Executive shall be responsible for informing members of current concerns and for ascertaining the viewpoint of the membership. The Executive provides representation at Union/Management meetings for the membership. Therefore, all members of the Sub-Group Executive must be stewards or must become stewards.

6.7.1 The President The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Sub-Group and of the Sub-Group Executive. The President shall represent the Sub-Group within the Institute. Should the President not be able to serve in such capacity, he may designate another member of the Sub-Group to serve in his stead. The President, or his designate, shall report to the Executive on any such meetings. This in no way infringes on the right of an individual to approach the Institute on his own behalf.

6.7.2 Vice-President The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of his duties and, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of that position.

6.7.3 Secretary The Secretary shall be responsible for sending notices of and keeping records of all meetings of the Sub-Group and the Sub-Group Executive for the period required by Institute policy, and shall ensure that a copy of minutes is filed with the Institute. The Secretary shall also be responsible for submitting reports as required by the relevant Institute and Group By-Laws and Constitutions.

6.7.4 Treasurer The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Sub-Group as required by Institute policy; present a budget to the first Sub-Group meeting of the calendar year; submit a financial statement to the Institute as required, and prepare the annual request for the annual allowance of the Sub-Group. Copies of the financial report shall be available to all Sub-Group members.

6.7.5 Members-at-Large: Members-at-Large shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Executive.

6.7.6 Committees: The Sub-Group or Sub-Group Executive may establish committees as necessary, with terms of reference and membership to be decided by the body that establishes them. Copies of Committee reports shall be filed with the Sub-Group Secretary. Committees shall be dissolved by majority vote of the body that established them.


7.1 Elections Committee The Executive shall appoint an Elections Committee to receive nominations for positions on the Sub-Group Executive, and to conduct the elections. Any member of the Elections Committee who becomes a candidate in the election shall resign from the Elections Committee.

7.2 Procedure for Nominations

7.2.1 A notice calling for nominations for election to the Sub-Group Executive shall be distributed three (3) weeks in advance of the Sub-Group Annual General Meeting

7.2.2 Nominations may be submitted in writing or may be made from the floor of the Sub-Group AGM.

7.2.3 The Elections Committee shall satisfy itself that the candidates for election are eligible and willing to serve.

7.3 Election Procedure

7.3.1 The Elections Committee shall serve as Returning Officers and shall establish procedures for the efficient conduct of an election, the counting and tabulating of ballots and all matters directly related thereto. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for a position shall be declared elected.

7.3.2 The results of the election shall be announced at the Sub-Group Annual General Meeting and subsequently distributed. The newly elected Sub-Group Executive shall take office at the close of the Sub-Group Annual General Meeting.


8.1 Annual General Meetings

8.1.1 The Sub-Group Executive shall call an Annual General Meeting once each calendar year. The interval between Annual General Meetings shall not exceed fifteen (15) months. Members shall be notified at least three weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

8.1.2 Quorum A quorum at Annual General Meetings shall constitute fifty percent (50%) of the members in attendance at the beginning of the meeting.

8.1.3 Agenda The agenda shall include the following items:

Roll Call (members of the Sub-Group Executive)
Approval of the Agenda
Adoption of the Minutes of the previous Annual General meeting
Business Arising from the Minutes
Report of the President
Annual Financial Report
Report of the Elections Committee
New Business, including By-Law Amendments

8.1.4 Voting All members present at the Annual General Meeting are eligible to vote. Voting for positions on the Sub-Group Executive shall be by secret ballot. Otherwise, voting shall normally be by a show of hands. Each member shall have one (1) vote. Proxy voting shall not be permitted. Decisions shall be by a simple majority vote.

8.1.5 Filing of Documents Each year, following the Annual General Meeting, the Sub-Group Executive shall submit a copy of the draft AGM minutes, the annual financial report and the elections report to the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Institute prior to end of the calendar year.

8.2 Special General Meeting

8.2.1 A Special General Meeting of the Sub-Group shall be called by the Sub-Group Executive or at the written request of at least 10% of voting Sub-Group members and shall be held within six (6) weeks of such decision or request.

8.2.2 Only the matter for which the Special General Meeting was called shall appear on the agenda

8.2.3 The same provisions shall apply to the notice and quorum at Special General Meetings as is prescribed for the Annual General Meeting.

8.2.4 The method of voting at a Special General Meeting shall be determined by the members attending the Special General Meeting immediately upon the meeting being called to order.

8.2.5 Decision shall be by a majority vote.


At any meeting of the Sub-Group Executive, Annual or Special General Meetings, matters of procedure, insofar as they are not specifically provided for, shall be governed by a majority vote of the members present and voting. The Chair of such meeting shall first rule on a matter of procedure or order and shall, in his rulings, in the absence of any By-Law to the contrary, rely upon and be governed by the latest version of Sturgis' Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure available at the meeting.


10.1 These By-Laws may be amended at an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Sub-Group. Approval of proposed amendments requires a simple majority of those voting.

10.2 All proposals for amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted, in writing, to the Sub-Group Executive. Proposed amendments may be submitted by any member of the Sub-Group.

10.3 The notice of the Sub-Group meeting at which the amendments will be considered, shall include:

(a) the article to be amended; and

(b) the new wording.

10.4 New Constitutions and By-Laws, as well as any amendments, shall be submitted to the Institute By-Laws and Policies Committee and the appropriate Group Executive for review.

10.5 This Constitution and By-Laws and any amendments thereto shall take effect upon approval by the Institute Board of Directors and ratification by the Sub-Group membership.


11.1 The Sub-Group Executive may make such Regulations, and any amendments thereto, not inconsistent with these By-Laws, as it deems necessary or convenient for the operating of the Sub-Group.

11.2 All proposed Regulations and amendments thereto shall be submitted to the Institute By-Laws and Policies Committee and the appropriate Group Executive for review. They shall take effect on a date determined by the Sub-Group Executive following approval by the Institute Board of Directors.

11.3 Each such Regulation shall be presented to the next Annual General Meeting of the Sub-Group, and may be rescinded or amended by such meeting.


In this Constitution and By-Laws, expressions in the masculine or feminine gender, in plural or in singular, may be substituted to give effect to the true meaning of the Constitution and By-Laws.

Approved by the Board of Directors
May 23, 2013

Approved by the Board of Directors
September 29, 2015