
14 June 2022
This message is intended for all CFIA veterinarians who hold or have held the position of Supervisory Veterinarian, (#59688), previously rated at VM-02.
12 April 2022
The CFIA-VM election committee has verified that one candidate has withdrawn their nomination for election.  As a result, the following candidates have been elected by acclamation to the CFIA-VM executive, and will take office immediately:
25 November 2021
Submit your nomination for available union leadership roles by Monday, December 20, 2021.
19 November 2021
The CFIA-VM Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held virtually on Friday, November 26, 2021 from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (Ottawa time). AGENDA (tentative) 1.  Welcome from the President 2.  Introduction and Roll Call 3.  Approval of the Agenda
17 August 2021
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) filed a policy grievance dated July 27, 2015 grieving the Employer’s interpretation and application of Article G2 of the then Collective Agreement between the Parties relating to the payment of the Meat Hygiene
17 February 2021
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency – Veterinary Medicine Group Election Committee has verified the results for the 2020 elections.  The Election Committee congratulates the following elected candidates, who will take office immediately:
22 December 2020
The CFIA-VM bargaining team is pleased to announce that CFIA and PIPSC signed the new collective agreement on December 23, 2020 covering the period of October 1, 2018, through to September 30, 2022.
10 December 2020
CFIA - VETERINARY MEDICINE (VM) Voters’ Kit for the 2021 Election to the CFIA-VM Group Executive December 2020
10 November 2020
Submit your nomination for available union leadership roles by December 3, 2020.
5 October 2020
We are pleased to announce that the CFIA-VM group has ratified the tentative agreement.
16 September 2020
Please take the time to review all the documents in the package before voting. The bargaining team unanimously recommends the acceptance of this tentative agreement.
21 August 2020
The Veterinary Medicine (VM) bargaining team signed a tentative agreement with the CFIA. This agreement must now be ratified by the VM membership.
14 August 2020
The CFIA VM, IN and S&A Groups are pleased to announce that we have reached tentative agreements with the CFIA.
10 July 2020
We’re pleased to announce that PIPSC and CFIA will be bargaining the week of August 10, 2020.
26 February 2020
February 24, 2020 The CFIA VM Group Election Committee has verified the results for the 2019 election for positions on the CFIA-VM Group Executive. The following candidates were successful (names underlined) and take office immediately.
6 January 2020
CFIA - VETERINARY MEDICINE (VM) Voters’ Kit for the 2020 Election to the CFIA-VM Group Executive December 2019
28 November 2019
License fees
28 October 2019
7 August 2019
The CFIA-VM Bargaining Team has not yet started negotiating a new collective agreement. We sent the notice to bargain to the employer. We do not feel that there is enough time to engage in targeted and intense negotiations with the employer before the 2019 federal election.
28 May 2019
2019 CFIA-VM Annual General Meeting REMINDER NOTICE Date: Friday June 7, 2019 Location: La Casa Del Gusto Address: 1460 Merivale Road, Nepean-Ottawa, Ontario, K2E 5P2
13 May 2019
Below you will find detailed instructions on how to complete your job content and job classification grievances. You’ll also find template grievance forms with the wording already filled in.
15 March 2019
To all CFIA VM members,
20 December 2018
The CFIA VM Group Election Committee has verified the results for the 2018 election for positions on the CFIA-VM Group Executive. The following candidates were successful (names underlined) and take office as of December 14th, 2018.
14 November 2018
Pursuant to the 31 October 2017 News update, all recently submitted VM job content grievances against job descriptions currently part of the existing 2011 VM group job content grievances, will be placed in abeyance until the 2011 grievances are resolved.
13 November 2018
Following the close of nominations on October 19, 2018, the following members expressed their willingness to serve as representatives on the CFIA-VM Group Executive. The term of office for the members elected to the CFIA-VM Group Executive shall be two (2) years.
28 September 2018
17 August 2018
Following the ratification of the tentative agreement, we’ve been working hard over the summer to finalize your contract.  The CFIA during this time had to obtain Governor in Council (Cabinet) approval, followed by translation and thorough review of the text by both parties. 
9 May 2018
Members from the surrounding region are invited to participate. Members who attend will be treated to lunch served between 12 and 1 pm. If you plan to attend, please R.S.V.P. to Aline Fournier at
12 April 2018
CFIA-VM Group ratifies tentative agreement
27 March 2018
2018 WINTER- SPRING NEWSLETTER Please use these personal email addresses to communicate with Executive members on PIPSC issues rather than on the CFIA Group Wise System.
14 March 2018
Time to answer all your questions! Your CFIA-VM bargaining team will be holding 3 conference calls to explain the ratification process and present the tentative agreement.  Please join us on the call that is most convenient for you.
9 March 2018
On January 18, 2018 your RE Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to renew your Collective Agreement. 
22 January 2018
Your Bargaining Team met with the CFIA on December 19-21, 2017 and January 16-19, 2018, with some sessions lasting past midnight in order to push for a fair deal.
17 November 2017
Nominations for the open CFIA VM Group Executive positions were received by these candidates only and thus, the following members are acclaimed to the positions indicated:
14 November 2017
The Bargaining Team last sent out an update from the bargaining session of February 2017.
31 October 2017
Hello, At the hearing at the last level in June 2016, CFIA has added many changes to some work descriptions. Many members have spoken to us about how they can join the process.