Date: Friday, 8 April, 2022 at 11:00 am

Location: Frank Ling Room, Natural Heritage Building. Gatineau (Aylmer), QC

J. Mallon (Vice-President)
Members Present

Physical: K. Ilves; I. Lykova; J. Mallon (Vice-President); P. Piilonen; S. Rufalo (P)
Virtual: R. Anderson; D. Doherty-Delorme; J. Doubt; D. Fateaux; D. Fraser; J.-M. Gagnon; L.
Gillespie; K. Khidas; A. Lussier (Treasurer); A. Martel; T. Miyashita; A. Savoie; X.-C. Wu

Members Absent:
T. McMullin (President)

1) Call to order by J. Mallon at 11:00 am

2) J. Mallon explains why T, McMullin (President) is absent and why he will chair the meeting as

3) Agenda is approved by membership.

4) Minutes (from last two meetings) are approved by membership.

5.1) Update on new (2018-2022) Collective Agreement is given by D. Doherty-Delorme.
(a) Thanks bargaining team for latest round of collective bargaining

(b) Highlights significant changes / bargaining issues to Collective Agreement:
- Pay. Most important issue, but little movement from management:
Annual increase is only 1.64% yr-1 (for period of 2018-2022). Stresses need
to re-negotiate pay during next round of bargaining (suggests having PIPSC
President contact Minister of Heritage on behalf of CMN).
- Ensuring proper compensation of Chief Scientist position.
- Pay is now (as of July 2021) based on 52 weeks (changed from 50 weeks)
- Changes to definitions and criteria for classification and promotion to better
recognize work activities of research staff (e.g., mentoring in particular,
setting up exhibitions)
- Changes in parental leave (now commensurate with current standards set by
Federal Government)
- Domestic violence leave brought incorporated into Collective Agreement (at
PIPSC request)
- Field Allowance pay schedule was changed (criteria for eligibility were made
more flexible)

(c) Other issues:
- Members should have received $2,000 signing bonus.
- New Collective Agreement took effect 30 September, 2018 and expires 30
September, 2022.
- Next round of negotiations could start relatively soon.

5.2) Questions / issues raised by membership in attendance with regards to next round of
collective bargaining:

(1) J. Mallon: stresses importance of IT issues related to research work.
D. Doherty-Delorme: Noted.

(2) J. Mallon: When to re-initiate collective bargaining? Trade-offs to going back too soon?
D. Doherty-Delorme: Recommends going back to bargaining table soon (Fall, 2022) as
the issue of pay is relevant to current to increases in inflation / cost-of-living indices.
Cites example of Chalk River – scientists recently received ~3.5 % yr-1. Mentions that
process is generally slow (takes 6-8 months) and starting soon is better. Call for new
negotiating team should come shortly.

(3) J.-M. Gagnon: Asks when notice to bargain must be served for next round.
D. Doherty-Delorme: Within 3 months prior to the expiry of current Collective
Agreement. Negotiations can start 10 days after that. Delay, by mutual agreement
between bargaining unit and management, is possible.

(4) A. Savoie / D. Fraser: Compensation for Centres is not sufficient.
D. Doherty-Delorme: Noted.

6) A. Lussier gives Treasurer’s Report for 2019-2020. (Full report sent to membership by email,
April 7, 2022)
Current balance: N/A
Membership discusses ideas for how to spend down funds, e.g., hoodies, food truck, sports
equipment, field gear.
J. Mallon: agrees to send out online poll.
D. Fateaux: indicates that this needs to be done before the start of 2022 field season.

7) J. Mallon welcomes new S. Rufalo (Curator, Paleontology) as newest PIIPSC member

8) Membership agrees on new PIPSC-CMN executive
J. Mallon: President
K. Ilves: Vice-president
D. Fateaux: Treasuer
A. Savoie : remains PIPSC Steward.
No issues were raised / no alternative candidates for any position were presented. Formal
voting processes was therefore deemed unnecessary.

9) J. Mallon indicates that decision of members sitting on bargaining team for next round will
be determined at a later date. The membership agrees. D. Doherty-Delorme indicates that
there is not limit as to the number of people that can sit on the bargaining team and that
training is be provided on request. J. Mallon gives brief overview of the bargaining protocol
following during most recent (virtual) round.

10) J. Mallon reminds membership of need to have Curator on bargaining team, to ensure that all
interests are adequately represented.

11) New Business:
Membership does not indicate the need to discuss new business

12) J. Mallon calls to adjourn meeting, thanks D. Doherty-Delorme for her update, and reminds
new executive of responsibilities.