It has been a challenging year for IT Group members at PIPSC, with the 3-Day Return to Office mandate seriously impacting our work. However, as I look back on the year, there have been some positive moments, and I am proud of what your IT Group Executive has accomplished for members. Your IT Executive is working hard to ensure the collective agreement we ratified last December is being honoured since many items require follow-up and ongoing support.
New training opportunities
We created a training package using the $4.725 million acquired through our collective agreement for the IT Community Training and Development Fund. Working with the employer, we’re excited to provide training opportunities to our 22,000 members fairly and efficiently.
We were fortunate to have the PIPSC Navigar team offer custom career development guidance and training to help members reach their career goals. Navigar helped us negotiate competitive rates on training offerings from Percipio and Pluralsight for every IT member.
Bargaining priorities
We’re preparing for our next round of bargaining. I will be the bargaining officer, and Robert Seguin will continue as our PIPSC Negotiator.
In the coming months, we will email you a bargaining survey. Your input will provide us with important information to guide our bargaining priorities. We will review the survey results and build our proposal package at a Bargaining Proposals Committee meeting in March 2025.
The year ahead
We will have a newly elected executive after the IT Group AGM in June 2025, and they will establish a new bargaining team.
We will provide regular updates on our progress, and our sub-group presidents will serve as key member liaisons. Supporting our members is critical for the bargaining team to negotiate the best deal possible. We appreciate your support and input.
In solidarity,
Robert Scott
Bargaining Officer, IT Group Executive