Latest News
11 May 2018
The Gatineau Branch, Ottawa East Branch (OEB), AV Gatineau Sub-Group (for AU-CO-PG members) and CS Gatineau Sub-group Present:
Movie and Info-session Event – May 24th, 2018
10 May 2018
On Monday May 28th at noon, the Statistics Canada CS – Subgroup will be hosting a one hour “Lunch and Learn” in the Simon Goldberg conference room to discuss the issue of the Employee Wellness Support Program (EWSP), formerly known as sick leave. Eva Henshaw from the CS Group National Executive is the invited speaker. You will be given the chance to ask the questions that concern you.
8 May 2018
Coffee Club 2018
Edmonton CS Sub-Group
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
3 May 2018
Please join the Vancouver CS Subgroup at Landmark Cinema , New Westminster on Saturday May 19th at 8AM for a Information Session covering the following topics (about an hour,) followed by the Movie - Avengers - Infinity War.
24 April 2018
Information Session
Employee Wellness Support Plan (EWSP)
You are invited to attend the Portage CS Sub-group’s information session which will be held on Monday, May 14th, 2018, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am in room 1D-501, Phase III.
23 April 2018
HELD 08 Mar 2018 AT 1700 HRS
23 April 2018
LOCATION: Cathedral Social Hall, 2062 Albert Street
23 April 2018
The Halifax CS Subgroup is having its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, May 30th, 6:30 pm at the Old Triangle, Pantry room, 5136 Prince Street, Halifax.
13 April 2018
Montréal-Métro CS Sub-Group
Annual General Meeting
May 11, 2017
13 April 2018
You are cordially invited to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the CS Montréal-Métro Sub-Group.