Work to develop and implement a proactive Pay Equity Plan for the House of Commons is well underway. In compliance with the Fairness Act, the Committee includes representatives of the employer, representatives of non-unionized employees and representatives for each bargaining agent present in the House of Commons. The Institute’s representative has the opportunity to accompany a team of dynamic members who are totally committed to the exercise.

The Committee is currently completing its analysis of the gender predominance of the various jobs within the Chamber. The Committee has already agreed on the analysis tool to be used for job evaluation. In a few weeks’ time, the job analysis will begin, and you may receive a request in the form of a survey or meeting to enable the Committee members to fully understand your job.

Once this work has been completed, the Committee will be tasked with comparing female-dominated and male-dominated jobs/job classes to determine whether pay equity gaps exist. A draft report will be published for comment by all House of Commons employees. Once this report has been finalized, salary adjustments will be made for all employees (regardless of gender) in female-dominated job categories with a pay equity gap. Federal pay equity legislation generally requires that a report be published by mid-2024, and that adjustments begin later in the year.

Members with questions or comments are invited to write to

Thank you for your attention.