Latest News

19 October 2023
Message from the President Dear Members,
29 September 2023
The [NR Calgary Sub-Group] is holding its [Annual General Meeting] on [October 11, 2023, from 11:45 am to 1:15 MST. The AGM will be at the Goro and Gun Restaurant, 245-225 7th Ave SW, Calgary, AB. You can attend in person or virtually.
25 September 2023
The PSPC NR Sub-Group is holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday December 5th from 12:00 to 1:00 PM in a virtual format.
25 September 2023
You’re invited to VANCOUVER ISLAND NR SUB-GROUP AGM 2023 When: 16 NOVEMBER 2023 at 1700 PST Where: GORGE VALE GOLF CLUB
21 September 2023
The PIPSC DND NCR NR Sub-group (all PIPSC members who are NR Group members and who work in the Ottawa/Gatineau area, excluding CFB Petawawa) are invited to attend our 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM).
14 September 2023
The PIPSC DND NCR NR Sub-group (all PIPSC members who are NR Group members and who work in the Ottawa/Gatineau area, excluding CFB Petawawa) are invited to attend our 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM).
1 September 2023
It has been a few years since the last one, but we are going to have our annual BBQ for the members of the Hamilton/Burlington NR sub-group on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. WHERE: Canada Centre for Inland Waters
29 August 2023
When: 12 September 2023, 1200-1330 PST Where: Conference Room, Lower Floor, C&PO’s Mess, CFB Esquimalt, 1575 Lyall St, Victoria, BC V9A 5K5 Lunch: Complimentary Lunch Provided   Why Attend?
8 August 2023
NR 4900 Subgroup invites you to celebrate Labour Day The PIPSC NR 4900 Subgroup invites you to celebrate Labour Day with us: August 31, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. Location: Albert Standing Park (southwest corner of Beecroft and Sheppard)
6 July 2023
Moncton NR Sub-Group - Upcoming Events in 2023   September 22, 2023 Afternoon golf at Lakeside. (budget $200 – members only). Deadline to register is September 6th.   September 30, 2023