March 14, 2019

  1. Call to Order:  In attendance – Terry Sing President, Charlotte Strandlund Vice President, Richard Rice Treasurer, Don Eldershaw Secretary, Michael Forbes, Lynn Morris, Luc Carrière, Don Burns
  2. Agenda Approved Moved by Luc Carriere, second Lynn Morris. Carried
  3. Minutes of the last meeting reviewed. Move to accept Michael Forbes, second Terry Sing. Carried.
  4. Old Business
    1. Clarification Duties and Responsibilities of the RMG President. - Charlotte Strandlund
    2. Chapter start-up outline. - Charlotte Strandlund. Action: Charlotte to produce rewrite for distribution and posting on web site. (Budget reporting, numbers on exec. spending recommendations, etc.)
    3. Chapter AGM’s Action: Don Eldershaw to contact Chapters
  5. Reports
    1. Presidents – Action: Terry to send his report to Chapter presidents and Chapter secretaries.
    2. Financial – Audit completed by PIPSC. Motion to accept finance report. Moved by Richard Rice, Second Charlotte Strandlund. Motion carried.
    3. REO’s available on request to the local regional representative
  6. New Business
    1. Posting of minutes - Luc Carrière. Minutes to be disseminated to Chapter presidents once approved. Action: Don Eldershaw
    2. Regional Councils – REO’s not currently listed as delegates should contact the Regional executive for inclusion in Regional AGM’s.
    3. Service Plus Insu rance - Luc Carrière. Contact PIPSC for information. Action: Luc Carrière
    4. Communication with our chapters - Luc Carrière. Need to establish a communications officer. To be discussed at next meeting.
    5. CLC Pharmacare support - Don Eldershaw – RMG supports this initiative.
    6. By-laws (Changes to By-laws still not corrected/approved for online publishing).Also the need to set up a by-laws committee to review and make recommendations. Action: Don Burns (lead) & Luc Carrière.
    7. Response to Peter Gabriel concerning RMG participation in PIPSC events. Action: Terry Sing
    8. 20th. Anniversary of RMG in 2020. Submit ideas at next meeting and cost estimates. Action: All
    9. Committees. Communications Don Eldershaw, AGM planning Charlotte (lead)& Lynn, recruitment and retention Richard (lead) & Michael, 100th. & 20th. Anniversary Terry (lead) Charlotte & Lynn, elections Don Burns (lead) & Michael.
    10. PIPSC Do Better Campaign. Details needed from PIPSC on materials. Action: Terry
    11. Invite Steve Hindle to next meeting - Action: Terry Sing
    12. Attendance at Branch AGM’s – Terry to see about attending NB and NFLD Chapters. Action: Terry Sing
    13. Correct number of retired persons per region. Action: Charlotte Strandlund
    14. Need to discover the progress of the Health and Benefits committee.  Action: Charlotte Strandlund
    15. Registration for 2019 AGM. Action: Terry Sing
  7.  Round Table
  8. Motion for adjournment Lynn Morris

Next Meeting June 12th. & 13th.