50 Victoria Street SP sub-group

Minutes for executive meeting #4

July 24h, 2019 – 12:00 to 1:00 pm


Present: Marcel Beaudoin, Jay Fothergill, Mary, Celine Fletcher, Adel El Hamad, Maria Salazar, Akid Azfar, Hassan Bayaa and Reginald Linco

Absent: Mazen Hijazi


  1. Approval of minutes from June 6th 2019 

Approved by all.


2. Bargaining L&L session discussion

Review of the L&L session. Good turnout. No questions that couldn’t be answered.


3. Presentation to new employees regarding PIPSC

Marcel gave a presentation to the new employees July 12th and also information on the voting regarding the proposed new contract with employer.


4. Send email to SG-PAT members to inform them of the deadline for voting regarding the proposed new contract with employer: 

Action: Marcel.


5. Proposed drop-in session 19 September 2019. 

Posters required: Action: Maria/Adel

Firm up details/logistics in our next meeting 11 September 2019.


6. Meet & greet for the new employees with the sub-executive committee. Proposed meeting 23rd October2019. 

Book a room. Action: Reg.

Email to members. Action: Marcel


7. Annual AGM PIPSC 50 Victoria Street. Proposed meeting 30th October 2019. 

Book a room. Action: Reg.

Email to members. Action: Marcel

Posters required: Action: Maria/Adel


8. Round Table

  • Discussion on tentative new contract
  • Discussion on some members not happy with union, want either a re-classification or union change.
  • Discussion on business case on salary increases. Let all members who ask that Marcel can provide background/support for any member who wants to take on the business case. Action: All


-   Schedule next meeting date in 11 September timeframe. Action: Reg.