
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

7 February 2018
Date : September 4, 2017 Location : Pacini restaurant, 1280 Lebourgneuf Boulevard, Québec City Attendees In attendance:
7 February 2018
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions.
7 February 2018
Further to our last bargaining update, we would like to inform you that Mr. Dan Butler has been chosen as the conciliator and the hearing date has been set as March 29, 2018.
6 February 2018
Notice of AGM, call for delegate applications and proposed amendments to SP Group constitution and by-laws The 2018 SP Annual General Meeting (AGM), your forum to provide direction to your Executive, will be held in the National Capital Region on 
6 February 2018
CANMET Sub-Group Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 113 James Street North, Hamilton 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Thursday, January 18, 2018
6 February 2018
The AV Group National Executive held our recent executive meeting in Ottawa on Saturday January 27, and the main order of business was the voting selection of the Group Bargaining Team.
6 February 2018
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions.
5 February 2018
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT
5 February 2018
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions.   Collective Agreement
5 February 2018
PIPSC SH-Sub Group 2017 Annual General Meeting. Location: Sweet Dream Luxury Inn, 32288 King Road, Abbotsford, B.C. 2018-01-15. Members present (23) Opening remarks by the president, Krsna Khoyratty. Meeting called to order at 1715 hours
5 February 2018
EASTERN QUEBEC CS SUB-GROUP CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS PREAMBLE These By-Laws, in general, pertain to matters of Sub-Group organization not cov
2 February 2018
Montreal City AFS Sub-Group 2018 Annual General Meeting You are cordially invited to attend the Montreal City AFS Sub-Group’s AGM and the Montreal Center Branch on: Friday, February 23rd, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. La Plaza – Salles de réception
2 February 2018
Notice of the Halifax AV Sub-Group Annual General Meeting (AGM) When: Thursday, March 22, 2018 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (Lunch will be provided) Where: Maxwell’s Plum, 1600 Grafton Street, Halifax, NS
2 February 2018
Dear members, It appears, from comments and questions raised by some members, that there is misunderstanding on how PIPSC operates. So I’d like to hereby clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Stewards, the Sub-Group and the Executive.
2 February 2018
On January 29, 2018, PIPSC President Debi Daviau met with Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier for the first time at the Canada Revenue Agency headquarters in Ottawa.  
2 February 2018
L&L Pizza on WP2.0 RSVP   Type: Lunch and Learn Date: Monday February 19, 2018 Time:  Noon - 1pm
1 February 2018
On December 13, 2017, Member of Parliament Sheri Benson (Saskatoon West) presented a petition to the House of Commons on behalf of the Professional Institute about the Canada Revenue Agency’s  Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Service Modernization initiative.
1 February 2018
31 January 2018
Minutes AV North Central Vancouver Island (NCVI) Subgroup Executive Committee Meeting January 19, 2018, 11:00 – 11:30 am Aquaculture Boardroom, 1965 Island Diesel Way, Nanaimo, BC
31 January 2018
Request for Committee Involvement Contracting Out (or Outsourcing) is the use of external resources (including retired Federal employees) to deliver services that would normally be carried out by Federal Government Employees.