CSC National Consultation Team Update 4 of 4


The PIPSC Prairies Consultation Team had not met as a complete team since COVID. Informal consultation and discussions were frequently held between the Stewards and management to deal with issues as they arose.

The rebuilding of the Regional Consultation Team has been underway for some time, and we have restarted regular Regional Labour Management Consultation Committee meetings. Two such meetings have been held to date, in July 2024 and January 2025.

The team is seeking additional representatives, particularly from Manitoba and Alberta sites outside of the Edmonton area. In order to join the consultation team, you must be a PIPSC Steward. If you are interested but not yet a steward, you can apply to become a steward and attend the mandatory training offered by PIPSC.

Your current consultation team members include: Melissa Wood - Social Worker - Edmonton Area Parole, Michael (Todd) Ryan - IT - Edmonton, Rachel Boyko - Nurse - RPC, Alexandra Foran - Nurse - SaskPen, Rob Scott - IT - Saskatoon.

If you have any issues that you would like to raise through regional consultation, please contact any member of the team.


Rachel Boyko, CSC NCT PRA REP Alternate



Feb 2024:

  • Finished consultation with all the pacific region sites (except WHI) with President and Vice President for Consultation (Gary and Cindy) in Fall 2023.
  • Attended PNEP consultation and standing ordering creation for Mountain Institution.

June 2024:

  • Gave a presentation on Detox to ACHS and EXCOM.

December 2024:

  • Working with RDHS Sav Bains, on overtime callout procedure document.  Providing feedback to him from the stewards across the sites on the protocol he has created.
  • Worked on a new TOR for PAC RLMC and had it agreed upon and signed with acting RDC, Brooke Kassen.

Feb 2025:

  • Navigating through a large quantity of level 1 and level 2 comp time grievances from October to January due to the region wide ban, RDHS Sav Bains, implemented.
  • In November, I attended Mission Institution to meet with the Warden, DW, AWO, WP6 and IMH team to discuss inmate movement that occurs at the site, this was a result of a recent staff assault.
  • In January, I visited Mountain to discuss a 127 presented by Health Services, due to inmates not being locked up during a medical emergency in the unit, and attended their Occupation health and safety meeting to discuss the same.
  • In January, I went to FVI to discuss the 24h nursing with the staff and discussed the plan moving forward. Since October 2024, I have been assisting the site with the 24-hour nursing rosters and implementation process.

Alicia Lunz, CSC NCT PAC REP