
What is Concur Expense and why are we using it?

The Institute had been investigating options for members to be able to electronically submit their expense claims for attendance at various events for some time. This included simplifying the claim process, by reducing errors, the inclusion of compensatory salary claims, and electronic picture receipt submissions (which removes the requirement for members to store them for a period of two years) to name a few.   

As well, the Institute’s Travel Directive Schedule A quarterly adjusted rates will be integrated making it easier for members to claim amounts they are entitled to without additional research. At the same time, the Institute will have significantly more detailed information on our overall expenses, such as how much we have spent on taxis, parking, breakfasts, hotels, etc. which could assist in travel policy updates.

What’s in it for you? 

Members and staff can submit expenses at their leisure, 24 hours a day from any computer, or a mobile device using the app. Prepopulated amounts, driving kms map calculations, and the ability to claim compensatory salary in one expense form, saves time, reduces errors and removes delays in being reimbursed. Travel claims could be submitted, processed and your funds paid in as little as a week.

The PIPSC Meetings and Travel team recommends using Concur Travel from a desktop computer. There are limitations within the Concur Travel mobile application that does not show as much detail as a desktop computer view.

Before logging in make sure to read the Start-Up Guide.

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Concur Learning Services

Expense Frequently Asked Questions.

Watch the Concur webinar.

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