Present: Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Tamara Critch, Marc Benoit, Robert B. Scott, Stéphane Aubry, Karim Chaggani, Patricia D. Williams, Jean-Simon Brassard, Lucille Shears, Yvonne Snaddon, Robert Séguin

Regrets: Giovanni Giolti

Agenda/Ordre du jour

1)  Welcome / Bienvenue

2)  Adoption of Agenda / Adoption de l'ordre du jour

a)  Moved by Tamara Critch, seconded by Karim Chigganni

3)  Approval of Minutes of Last meeting / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière réunion 7 November/novembre 2024

a)  Moved by Tamara Critch, seconded by Patricia Williams

4)  Approval of Steering Committee Minutes/Approbation du procès-verbal du comité directeur

a)  Moved by Tamara Critch, seconded by Rob Scott

5)  Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items Affaires découlant du procès-verbal/Points d’action

a)  Merging of the Portage, Hull and Gatineau Sub-Groups.

ACTION: Pierre going to meet with SGs before dismantling and renaming new SG and talk to PIPSC Finance and will provide update to IT Group Executive at the December meeting (Completed)

(1)  Debbie received the account balance for the 3 subgroups in the Gatineau area. Gatineau subgroup no longer has an Executive Committee, while Portage subgroup has 2 Executive Committee members. Still some discussion so leaving subgroup as is for now. Hull to go ahead with their subgroup AGM.

ACTION: Lucille and Pierre to meet to address and complete formal paperwork.

b)  Bargaining Update / Mise à jour sur les négociations (Rob, Robert)

ACTION: Robert Seguin - surveying exec for availability of zoom meeting on survey (Completed)

c)  Visibility / visibilité (Robert)

ACTION: Robert Seguin to provide an answer on next slogan campaign. (Completed)

(1)  Robert advised there is no slogan yet. Stan provided Robert with a March timeline to urge PIPSC to get this information.

d)  2025 IT Group Election (Yvonne)

ACTION: Yvonne to draft the Notice of Election (Completed)

Yvonne advised that the draft notice has been created, amended due to issues last year. To be sent to Stan and Rob for review, translation out to members between Jan 5-Feb 4.

ACTION: Yvonne to draft definition of commitment, with Executive suggestions, to send along with the notice.

ACTION: Yvonne to create regulations around elections and bring to executive for review

e)  PRQC (Karim)

ACTION: Karim to follow up with committee (Ongoing)

(1)  Karim contacted PRQC, but he has not received a response.

ACTION: Karim to follow up on original email.

f)  Cell/Internet (Deb)

ACTION: Deb to send travel claim form to new members of the Executive (Completed)

g)  Navigar (Rob)

ACTION: Rob to bring recommendation from IT Training Committee regarding IT05 and acting positions (Ongoing)

(1)  Rob advised to be done at the next meeting. Robert stated the question should be about excluded members, not specifically IT05. Lucille asked for the actual number of excluded members.

ACTION: Robert to bring number to Executive

h)  Rand Drive (Patricia)

ACTION: Patricia to send information by December 9, 2024, meeting. (Done)

(1)  Patricia advised this is the first Rand drive where there was only positive feedback. Patricia requested that Stan and Robert to request PIPSC to negotiate starting the PIPSC 101’s again. Stan agreed and suggested that it be brought forward to WGC.  

ACTION: Stan will talk to new president about communications lack of response like RAND drives.

i)  ITYPC (Jean-Simon)

ACTION: Jean-Simon to bring call out to December 9, 2024, meeting (Completed)

ACTION: JS to upload candidates to drive prior to review at next meeting

6)  Standing Items / Points permanents

a)  Bargaining Update / Mise à jour sur les négociations (Rob, Robert)

i)  Training Fund Update (Rob)

(1)  Deferred to New Business

ii)  IJCC Update (Stan)

Stan advised there is a meeting schedule for 10 December 2024.  Various topics to be discussed include language requirements and Work Force Adjustment (WFA) impact on career training.

iii)  Central Table/Coordinated Bargaining (Rob, Stan, Robert)

Stan advised there was a fulsome discussion on Central Table and a decision will likely be made sooner rather than later. Stan would like to have a zoom meeting to decide on how much we want to participate. Rober cautions that very group bargaining alone is not conducive to coordinated bargaining. ACTION: Stan to schedule a zoom meeting in January to discuss Central Table

b)  Strategic Planning Update & Review / Mise à jour et examen de la planification stratégique (Stan)

c)  Visibility / visibilité (Pierre)

Pierre advised a complete inventory has been completed. Pierre is requesting ideas for items not purchased in the last 4-5 years. The end stands are not yet completed, and Lucille expressed her hope to have in time for the Subgroup President’s meeting.

d)  Return to Office / Retour au bureau (All)

Round table of the Executive found some similar situations across departments, such as gradual return to office for those that that were previously exempted, but changes to dates were not consistent. Also, adherence to the RTO varies across departments, regions/office with lack of workspace changes the required days in office, policing by managers/branches, DTA’s are not consistently approved/denied and Regions given different adherence than that of NCR. Issues have not changed since the beginning of RTO.

e)  Bargaining Survey (Robert/Ryan/Natasha)

The survey has a planned launch week of Jan. 20 and will stay open for 2 weeks. Amendments were made based on the zoom meeting with the Executive Committee. Ryan will go back to Navigar team for suggestions. The next steps are send for translation, then Robert to test with the Executive prior to full release. Results data to be provided to assist with contract proposals meeting.


7) New Business / Nouvelles affaires

a)  Navigar Communications (Marc)

Lora Ricci of Navigar provided update of activities with statistics to date as well as key dates for future events, such as the Pluralsight rollout. Lora and Peter Atkinsons will review all communications related to Navigar/rollout to ensure there are no conflicts and all information is consistent.

b)  Training Fund (Rob)

Rob advised during the last Training Fund Sub-Committee meeting decisions were clarified with the Employer side to ensure where the data related to the fund resides. Rob advised that the IT Training Fund Committee discuss any communications sent to members.

c)  Lobbying Update (Yvonne)

Yvonne advised that lobbying would occur during week of Feb. 17, 2025. Yvonne has the one-pager finalized and will setup a zoom meeting with 2024 IT AGM delegates to prepare them.

(1)  ACTION:  Yvonne to schedule a zoom session for IT AGM training delegates to prepare for lobbying

(2)  ACTION:  Yvonne to ensure Google drive folder populated with information required for our lobbyists

d)  Succession planning (Marc) – Deferred to next meeting

e)  Subgroups (Lucille)

Lucille advised work continues with new sub-group in Guelph, ON and will update the executive as things move forward.  There is also a possibility of a new Subgroup in Gander NFLD dependent upon interest within the membership.  Stan suggested Lucille reach out to London/Essex to try revitalizing the Subgroup

ACTION: Lucille to send communications to all members of London/Essex

f)  Subgroup President’s Meeting (Lucille)

Lucille advised that the draft agenda has been reviewed.

MOTION:  Rob moved that the IT Executive approve the expenses to allow non IT Subgroup attendees of the bargaining proposals committee to also attend the Subgroup Presidents meeting including extra room night and per diem.  CARRIED

8)  Reports/Activities dexécutive 

All reports Presented and posted secretarially

a)  President /Président (Stan)

b)  Vice-President/Vice-président (Pierre)

c)  Treasurer/Trésorier (Deb)

d)  Allocation received $158,000

e)  Steering Committee & Secretary/Comité directeur et Secrétaire (Tamara)

f)  Bargaining / Négociations (Rob/Robert)

g)  NOC/ROC- Mobilization / CNO/ROC- Mobilisation (Stan)                          

h)  Communications (Marc)

i)  Subgroup Officer/Agent de sous groupe (Lucille)

j)  Steward Officer / Agent de délégués syndicaux (Giovanni)

k)  Membership Officer / Agente de membership (Patricia)

l)  Labour Relation & Consultation Officer & Contracting Out Officer / Agente des relations de travail et de consultation et Agente chargée de la sous-traitance  (Yvonne)

m)  ITYPC (Jean-Simon)

9)  Other business & Roundtable / Autres affaires et tour de table – None

a)  Debbie Butler made a general comment looking for agreement that any communications that go out to the members should be copied to the Executive to ensure retired members of the executive are aware of the communications. She suggested this also be added to the handbook.

ACTION: If executive members create any communications to all members, please ensure to cc’ the entire Executive on the communications

10)  Next meeting / Prochaine réunion

Monday February 10, 2025

11)  Adjournment / Ajournement