Retired Members Guild

Executive Meeting

June 13, 2019

250 Tremblay

Ottawa, Ontario

PRESENT: Terry Sing, President: Charlotte Strandlund, Vice President, Prairie/N.W.T.

Don Eldershaw, Secretary, Atlantic: Richard Rice, Treasurer, NCR

Luc Carriere, Québec: Michael A. Forbes, Ontario

Lynn E Morris, NCR: Don Burns, BC/Yukon

GUESTS: Steve Hindle, Peter Atkinson


President Sing called the meeting to order at 9:15 and welcomed everyone.


Motion to adopt the agenda as amended, Motion carried

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2019 Minutes. Motion Carried

OLD BUSINESS: Action items from the March 14, 2019 reviewed.

1. RMG Presidents report to Chapter Presidents in development. Action: Terry Sing

2. Discussions with groups adverse to the RMG still pending. Some common ground needs to be found.

Action: Terry Sing

3. Chapter start-ups. Charlotte reported on application of by-laws to Chapter composition re: positions and numbers on

the executive.

Action: Charlotte to clarify if by-laws are required by chapters and send results for publishing and distribution to chapters

4. Minutes of meetings sent in draft form to the executive and chapter presidents. Sent for translation and web publishing

on approval at the next meeting.

REPORTS Presidents Report and REO reports are available upon request to the REO’s.

TREASURERS REPORT Richard presented his treasurers report.  Motion. Acceptance of the financial report as presented. Motion Carried.

Richard also reported on the results of the audit to date and the need for all REO’s to submit expense forms showing their advance funding and expenses for the past year. REO’s need to submit a check to cover any remaining funds. The RMG will be under financial supervision until the audit is completed. All members of the executive are encouraged to thoroughly examine the PIPSC Policy on Constituent Body Finances (, particularly the section on acceptable usage of funds. This should also be promulgated to the Chapters.

1. Steve Hindle gave a brief overview of discussions at the Board of Directors with emphasis on including the RMG in activities directed towards the upcoming Federal election.
2. Peter Atkinson spoke on how the RMG can grow and expand. Consideration can be given to making use of the PIPSC database and PIPSC resources (mail outs) in contacting retirees. He presented a number of ways that the members can be engaged. Make better use of social media.

New Business:

1.The executive discussed the relative merits of the insurance and travel plans offered through Service Plus.

At the AGM the RMG will have a table and it was suggested that we have a draw for a prize particularly targeting those about to retire.

Motion:  RMG to have a draw for a gift (value to be determined by finance) Motion passed Action: Richard

2. New banners are required for the National RMG and for the regions. Action: Richard

20th. anniversary logo selected. Logo selected sample F3

3. Motion Individual names to be excluded in the motions from the minutes. Motion carried

4. Guide for Chapters to be developed, emphasis on what is expected of them. Note that chapters can request additional funds for special events. Action: Charlotte Strandlund

5. Scholarship fund for 100/20th anniversary sponsored by the RMG.

Motion: that the RMG donate $1000 to the Legacy Foundation for a scholarship in the name of the RMG with the wish that it be awarded preferably to a child/grandchild of a retired member. Details for qualification to be developed with emphasis on RMG eligibility. Motion passed. Action Luc Carriere

6. Executive members are to contact their Chapters and advise them to stay politically astute for the upcoming fall National election.

7. Ideas for the 100/20th anniversaries. Promotional items, replacement banners with the new logo,

8. The executive discussed the advantage of using iPads to reduce the need for paperwork. Decision not made at this


9. The executive discussed the role played by bargaining teams and how those negotiations could affect the RMG.

10. President Sing asked for suggestions on what we could do for the 20th. anniversary of the RMG. One consideration

was purchasing  copies of the book on the history of PIPSC. Other suggestions were discussed such as gift items of

PIPSC/RMG swag but only items of practical use. Action: Members are asked to bring ideas to the Sept. meeting.

11. There are no elections due in 2019 but an election committee needs to be appointed in the new year.

12. Bylaw updates. The bylaws and election committees will need to meet prior to the next executive meeting. Election

committee to meet first. The steering committee will also meet on that day (Sept 18th.)

Action:  Terry Sing to send request to Marielle Nadon for TAN#

13. AGM hospitality rooms update. Motion: The RMG is to have a hospitality suite (cost capped at $1500) Motion passed.

Charlotte to submitted details on the RMG AGM requirements. Details on the PIPSC room requirements have yet to be

determined. Action: Charlotte Strandlund, Lynn E Morris

14. An assessment on the value of hospitality suites will be discussed at the first meeting of the RMG executive following

the AGM.

15. Michael Forbes spoke on concerns from the Ontario region regarding the dental plan and its effect on the RMG.A

suggestion was made that the RMG initiate a letter writing campaign to politicians. Terry Sing pointed out that PIPSC

does not currently address this problem but NAFR does address some of these items  on behalf of retirees.

Action: Don Burns to investigate PIPSC rules on team structure

Motion: Minutes of meetings sent in draft form to the executive and chapter presidents. Sending for translation and web

publishing will be submitted on approval at the subsequent executive meeting. Motion carried

 ROUND TABLE: Charlotte gave commented favourably on the progress made in the past two days. Don Eldershaw requested that members view the draft minutes and reply on the content.

NEXT MEETING DATES:  Steering Committee, Elections Committee, and Bylaws Committee will meet on Sept. 18th.

     The full executive will meet on Sept. 19th.


Steering Committee: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary

Bylaws Committee: Don Burns, Luc Carriere, and Lynn E Morris

Election Committee: Michael A. Forbes, Don Burns, and Lynn E Morris