Last June, PIPSC went to adjudication to challenge the new 2019 work description for the Supervisory Veterinarian position because it was illegal and contrary to the grievance process. 

The CFIA has begun sending classification decisions to Supervisory Veterinarians who filed a grievance in 2011. The classification level (VM-02) remains the same. 

If you are currently a Supervisory Veterinarian, you should file a grievance using the process below. If you filed a grievance in 2011 but are now retired or in a different position, PIPSC will file a policy grievance on your behalf.

Grievance form

Please download a pre-filled grievance form in your preferred language.



You must present your job classification grievance no later than 35 calendar days from the date you received your classification decision. Your employer will email their decision to you.

How to complete your grievance form

Please follow the instructions below when filling out your Job Classification Grievance Form.

Section 1A – To be completed by the employee

Complete this section in its entirety. Include your phone number (preferably your office number) and your home address.

Section 1B – Details of grievance

The grievance statement is already included. Add the date you received your classification decision.

Section 1C – Date of omission

Add the date you received your classification decision from your employer.

Section 1D – Corrective action requested

The corrective action statement is already included. On the blank lines found at Section 1D, please sign and write the date.

How to file your grievance

Submit the form to your supervisor. In section 4, your supervisor must sign, date and return a copy to you, which serves as a receipt for the grievance.

Scan and return the final copy to the PIPSC compensation team at for your PIPSC file.

If you have any questions or need help filing your grievance, please email