News & Issues

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19 January 2024
PIPSC stands in solidarity with PSAC-UNDE members in the Staff of the Non-Public Funds (NPF) bargaining units as they take on strike action. These civilian military workers deserve fair wages, a national pay grid, and secure jobs.
15 January 2024
During last year’s Annual General Meeting, we asked #PIPSC members why the AGM is meaningful to them. The AGM is an opportunity to get involved, share ideas, and learn from each other. Take a look!  
12 January 2024
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada joins millions of Canadians this morning in grieving the passing of former federal politician and tireless supporter of working Canadians, Ed Broadbent.
9 January 2024
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Pam Kubicz (Pam Davies). Her vibrant personality and positive aura left a lasting impression on many of us, and she will be deeply missed.
20 December 2023
Following over two decades with Sunlife as a service provider, the Government of Canada has awarded the contract to administer the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) to the Canada Life Assurance Company (Canada Life).
15 December 2023
PIPSC stands in solidarity with our peers striking with Front commun. We encourage our members to show support and join a picket with our Quebec peers during their unpaid breaks or outside of working hours.
11 December 2023
PIPSC President Jennifer Carr is proud to be part of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) delegation attending 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC – more commonly referred to as COP28.
7 December 2023
It is with great sadness that we announce that Paul Skinner passed away peacefully on September 2, 2023, at age 68. Paul was surrounded by family including his wife Anna, and daughters Marena and Melanie.
29 November 2023
PIPSC concluded its landmark national convention today, marking a significant milestone in the union's journey towards becoming a 'beacon of progress' and preparing for the future in the labour landscape.
29 November 2023
Watch the Convention/AGM 2023 Highlights video. President Jennifer Carr thanked delegates, facilitators, speakers, and staff for their contributions to the success of the PIPSC Convention 2023 and 104th Annual General Meeting.
29 November 2023
Delegates viewed a video update on the Institute’s Legacy Foundation, including brief profiles of this year’s scholarship laureates.
29 November 2023
AGM delegates were pleased to welcome two of Turtle Island’s leading Indigenous and LGBTQ2s+ advocates, Dr. James Makokis & Anthony Johnson, to learn about active allyship.
28 November 2023
AGM delegates welcomed with open hearts and minds, Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, former Member of Parliament, lawyer, advocate, and leader among Canada’s Indigenous Peoples to have an important conversation on achieving justice and reconciliation.
28 November 2023
On the third day of its national convention, PIPSC presented the findings of a comprehensive study aimed at understanding and contextualizing the union's involvement in colonial institutions, policies, and programs that have adversely affected Indigenous peoples.
27 November 2023
The “Steward of the Year” award acknowledges those who have gone “above and beyond” their duties to assist members and who have made extraordinary contributions to the Institute.
27 November 2023
President Jenn Carr presented awards to deserving Institute members for their exemplary and inspiring leadership and thanked the members of the Award Selection Panel for reviewing the nominations and for recommending these laureates.
27 November 2023
AGM delegates welcomed, friend of the union, Alexandre Boulerice, Member of Parliament and NDP Labour critic, to openly discuss the ways to protect public services, defend union and human rights, and make sure we live in a just and equitable society.
27 November 2023
On the second day of its national convention, PIPSC has unveiled 'Navigar,' an innovative online skills development tool designed to assist members in adapting to the rapidly evolving workplace impacted by AI and machine learning.
26 November 2023
AGM delegates were happy to welcome Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) at the Convention. Her message inspired solidarity between unions and a strong way forward for the working class.
26 November 2023
At our historic first-ever convention, PIPSC President Jenn Carr delivered a speech about our union’s immense pride in charting a new course.
26 November 2023
2023 AGM delegates stood for moment of silence to honour their colleagues who had passed away since the 2022 AGM.
26 November 2023
On Sunday, November 26, 2023, AGM Chair Paul Cardegna called the 104th Annual General Meeting to order with a warm welcome to the more than 800 delegates.
26 November 2023
PIPSC opened its first-ever national convention, a historic gathering under the theme "Ready for the Future", where over 800 members from across the country are coming together to shape the future of their union.
25 November 2023
The live streaming will start at 8:30am. If you would like to join, please register ahead of time by emailing
22 November 2023
The government spending review found more savings than expected but there is no indication they intend to reduce the amount wasted on costly IT consulting. Now is the time for the government to hone in on our recommendations and work to develop a long-term, strategic approach to IT within the government.
20 November 2023
With the announcement by the Front commun intersyndical du secteur public québécois that a second strike sequence will take place from November 21 to 23, and the announcement by the Fédération autonome de l'enseignement (FAE) that an indefinite strike may be called as of November 23, the closure
14 November 2023
Presented to the PIPSC 104 Annual General Meeting L-1 - Right-Sizing Approach to Languages (E) Sponsored by Chalk River Professional Employees Group Executive | Disposition: Withdrawn
14 November 2023
Agenda Rules of Procedure for PIPSC AGM
1 November 2023
We add our support to calls for a ceasefire and stand up to any expression of hatred within our communities.
30 October 2023
PIPSC has put out a detailed guide for members of the Public Service Healthcare Plan to help navigate some of the more complex plan changes and explain the appeals processes when a claim is denied.  Members are enc
26 October 2023
In my role as President, my primary focus this year has been on key priority areas that align ensuring PIPSC is a member-centric organization prepared to address the forthcoming challenges.
24 October 2023
Updates to FAQ   Your RCMP CM Bargaining Team met with the Treasury Board Bargaining Team to further discuss each other's proposals on October 17-18th.   
13 October 2023
Presented to the PIPSC 104th Annual General Meeting F-11 - Inclusive Accommodation of Members with Disabilities during AGMs (E) Sponsored by member Jennie Esnard (Seconded by Stacy McLar
13 October 2023
Presented to the PIPSC 104th Annual General Meeting F-6 – Policy on Family Care (E) Sponsored by RE Group | Disposition: Carried as Amended WHEREAS t
13 October 2023
Presented to the PIPSC 104th Annual General Meeting F-1 Audited Financial Statements Sponsored by the Board of Directors | Disposition: Carried Be it resolved that the 2023 AGM receiv
13 October 2023
Presented to the PIPSC 104th Annual General Meeting B-3 - Composition of Finance Committee (E) Sponsored by the Advisory Council | Disposition: Defeated  Where