Awarding of two Legacy Cups
PIPSC President and Legacy Foundation Chair Jenn Carr thanked the members in all the Regions for their fundraising efforts and contributions to the Legacy Foundation.
Legacy Foundation Scholarship Program
Delegates viewed a video update on the Institute’s Legacy Foundation, including brief profiles of this year’s scholarship laureates.
Honouring the Stewards of the Year
The “Steward of the Year” award acknowledges those who have gone “above and beyond” their duties to assist members and who have made extraordinary contributions to the Institute.
The 2022 PIPSC Annual General Meeting honoured our 2020 and 2021 recipients of the President's Achievement Award, the Institute Service Award and the Life Membership Award. For more information on these awards
The Opening of the 103rd AGM of the Professional Institute
On Friday, November 18, 2022, AGM Chair Lucienne Bahuaud called the 103rd Annual General Meeting to order with a warm welcome to the more than 700 delegates.
On behalf of its members and staff, the Institute is proud to honour all Canadians who served during the various wars in which our great nation participated.
The Institute is saddened to learn of the untimely passing of our friend and colleague, Brandon Wilson. A PIPSC steward at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Brandon passed away on October 23, 2022 at the age of 36. He will be missed.
We’re currently looking for additional members in your workplace to be a local Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) representative. The deadline to apply is November 7, 2022.
Being a new parent is hard enough without having to dig through your collective agreement and government websites for parental leave information. Here are some resources that can help you along the way.
The timing of the Financial Forum taking place at the 2022 PIPSC AGM has changed to start at 6:00pm and end at 7:30pm Eastern Time (previously was 7:00pm to 9:00pm Eastern Time).
The timing of the NCR Delegate Caucus taking place at the 2022 PIPSC AGM has changed to start at 7:30pm and end at 9:00pm Eastern Time (previously was 7:00pm to 8:30pm Eastern Time).
Jennifer Carr, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, is currently making official visits to nursing stations in remote First Nations northern communities.
In 2022, we awarded 35 scholarships worth a total of $55,000. To date, we’ve awarded $1,105,000 in scholarships to 577 students. Thank you to our sponsors. Congratulations to all our laureates.
From September 26 to 29, 2022, the President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), Jennifer Carr, will undertake official visits to nursing stations located in remote First Nations northern communities.
It is with sadness we announce the passing of Nancy Barr on September 3, 2022. From 2005 to 2009, Nancy served as the National Film Board Group President. During this time, she fiercely represented PIPSC members.
Our lawsuit against the Ford government’s Bill 124 has officially begun. See how we’re fighting for fair collective bargaining, decent work, and quality public services in Ontario.
Register for a special training for stewards, consultation team members, and executive members from departments or agencies with a scientific integrity policy.