Defending public science

We represent over 15,000 public scientists, engineers and researchers. Our members are experts in everything from rail safety, vaccines, climate change, and water quality to air pollution, farming, fossil fuels, and nuclear energy.

Together, we work hard to defend public science. We champion scientific integrity  and increased inclusion of women in science.

Scientific integrity

In the Harper era, the scientific integrity of our members was directly attacked.

We pushed back and won:

Science integrity policies are now being implemented to ensure decision-makers use high-quality and wide-ranging scientific evidence to make informed decisions. Scientific integrity is vital to ensuring Canada’s scientists and researchers can work for all people in Canada.

Women in science

Women in science are under-represented in our membership and the federal public service. We are committed to improving the role of women in federal public science.

Building on our 2018 report, Women in Public Sector Science: From Analysis to Action, the first PIPSC Women in Science Learning Lab was launched.

Participants focused on systemic solutions to remove barriers experienced by women in science, creating micro-projects in their own workplaces. Learning Lab participants also developed the Women in Science toolkit, which provides resources, tools to develop workplace allies, and links to existing mentorship programs.

In 2025, we released Gender Equity in Fieldwork: A Guide for Employees and Managers. The report's findings show that most science-based departments and agencies lack clear policies or guidelines to ensure the health and safety of women and gender minorities in field research settings.

Latest News

11 February 2025
PIPSC has released a report documenting safety and equity challenges faced by women scientists conducting field research. The guide provides recommendations for creating more inclusive research environments across federal science-based departments.
10 February 2025
Gender equity in fieldwork: A guide for employees and managers
26 February 2024
Watch the latest Women in Science (WiS) Café Series webinar.
21 December 2022
Ever wondered what scientists working for the government do? PIPSC Women in Science, in collaboration with Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology (WWEST) is inviting 10th-12th grade teachers and their students to participate in a webinar on STEM in the Public Sector.
4 November 2022
PIPSC Women in Science is offering leadership and networking opportunities for our members located in the BC/Yukon region.
11 October 2022
To be considered for this opportunity, please fill out the application form by October 21, 2022.
30 August 2022
Register for a special training for stewards, consultation team members, and executive members from departments or agencies with a scientific integrity policy.
5 May 2022
Watch the latest PIPSC webinar discussing gender bias in science.
10 February 2022
2,615 PIPSC members in the federal public service responded to our survey, and the results are eye-opening.
20 May 2021
Apply to participate in our 2021 Women in Science Virtual Learning Lab by June 14, 2021.
8 March 2021
The Women in Public Sector Science Toolkit is a living library of resources, tools and best practices. All with the aim of advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in public sector science.
8 October 2020
We are pleased to learn that the Government of Canada has reappointed Dr. Mona Nemer as the government’s Chief Science Advisor (CSA).
2 September 2020
The Women in Science project team at PIPSC developed infographics depicting the general maternity, parental and family care leave entitlements, and return to work rights, available to federal public sector employees.
10 August 2020
On June 10, 2020, PIPSC Vice-President and Science Advisory Committee Chair Norma Domey led our mobilization efforts on #ShutDownAcademia and #shutdownSTEM, an initiative developed by a multi-identity, intersectional coalition of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) professionals and academics taking action for Black lives.
13 December 2019
On November 8, 2019 PIPSC Vice-President Norma Domey led a two-hour “standing room only” seminar on "Leading with Emotional Intelligence" at the Institute’s 100th Annual General Meeting in Gatineau, Québec.  
6 November 2019
The first ever PIPSC Women in Science Learning Lab brought together women and non-binary people in federal Public Sector science. Participants from across regions and groups met to take on the challenges they face in the workplace.
26 September 2019
Between August 13th and September 1st of 2019, PIPSC conducted a Climate Change survey of all members of the SP and RE Groups. These two bargaining units represent almost all professional scientists employed at various departments and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Treasury Board Secretariat.
11 July 2019
PIPSC welcomes the new Departmental Science Advisor (DSA) at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Dr. Shawn J. Marshall.
3 April 2019
The Chief Science Advisor of Canada, Dr. Mona Nemer, recently released her 2018 Annual Report, in which she highlights the close working relationship she enjoys with the Professional Institute.
14 February 2019
The firing last week of long-serving Québec government agronomist Louis Robert for making public claims of “private-sector interference in a public study of pesticide use” reminds us of the importan
11 October 2018
PIPSC and it’s 4,000 members across the B.C./Yukon region endorse the call last week by B.C.’s Professional Employees Association (PEA) to restore s
27 September 2018
Canadians want federal science funding restored to 2011 levels. According to 2016 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development figures (the most recent available), Canada ranks 21 out of 27 OECD countries in the amount it reports spending on science.
30 July 2018
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) is delighted with the announcement that the federal government accepts the model Scientific Integrity policy originally proposed by our members and amended through subsequent consultation.
30 July 2018
1. Effective date 1.1.   This policy takes effect on TBD
13 April 2018
Across Canada and around the world today, people are marching for science. Under U.S.
11 April 2018
Canadians are best served by open, accountable and transparent government that builds trust in public institutions.
7 March 2018
The results of a 2017 survey of federal scientists and engineers who are PIPSC members reveal challenges that are holding women back from fully contributing their unique perspectives and expertise to federal public science.
21 February 2018
A survey report on federal government efforts to reverse the effects of The Big Chill “I will expect you to work with your colleagues ... to deliver on your top priorities: