
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

29 October 2020
Click here for St. John's AV Sub-Group Notice of AGM
28 October 2020
Canadians rely on NAV CANADA to ensure aviation safety. Thanks to the important work of PIPSC members at NAV CANADA, we have an air navigation service that’s one of the largest and safest in the world.
27 October 2020
Message from the President of the Retired Members Guild  Reminder to all Retired Members to pay your annual dues $69.60 by December 15, 2020.
27 October 2020
We are pleased to announce that the University of Ottawa IT Professionals (UOITP) Group has ratified the tentative agreement.
26 October 2020
Executives in Attendance:
21 October 2020
The CFIA-S&A Group executive is seeking nominations for the following regional representative positions:
21 October 2020
1. Introduction The following code of conduct applies to all Canadian Food Inspection Agency Scientific and Analytical Group members for all Canadian Food Inspection Agency Scientific and Analytical Group National Executive elections and is meant to add to, not in any way limit, existin
20 October 2020
We are pleased to announce that the CFIA-IN group has ratified the tentative agreement.
20 October 2020
  The Early Career Research Network and the PIPSC NRC RORCO National Capital Region Subgroup are co-hosting a virtual Lunch and Learn on Parental Leave at noon EDT on October 21st. 
19 October 2020
  October 13 2020 / 1:00 am / by phone and zoom
16 October 2020
Research Group (RE) members may be concerned about how the COVID-19 pandemic might impact their career progression assessments.
14 October 2020
The Commerce and Purchasing Group (AV), representing CO-PG members, is seeking an Executive appointment or election for:Member at Large Executive position – Interim term starting November 1, 2020 and ending May 31, 2021
9 October 2020
  On September 25, 2020 a tentative agreement was signed with the University of Ottawa, completing this round of negotiations. We again thank all the members of the UOITP Group for their support during these negotiations!
9 October 2020
  Notice of Commerce, and Purchasing Group (AV) 2020 Annual General Meeting and Call for Delegates, held virtually via Video Conference updated on November 27, 2020 
9 October 2020
Fellow Members , I am writing to you to update you on the Memorandum of Understanding of April 2, 2020 regarding the wage and retro pay deferral affecting our members.
9 October 2020
8 October 2020
REMINDER Halifax CS Subgroup 2020 Annual General Meeting
8 October 2020
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada AFS QUÉBEC CITY SUB-GROUP CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS PREAMBLE
7 October 2020
We’ve received many questions about the CS to IT conversion. These answers to your frequently asked questions are meant to complement the Treasury Board’s information on your Intranet. If you have any problems accessing the intranet page, please contact your service desk.
6 October 2020
RESOLUTION   Whereas the current situation we are in regarding the Covid-19 pandemic; Whereas PIPSC has decided to postpone any activity involving the physical presence of its members in a confined environment;