On Thursday, January 10, 2019 representatives from your Bargaining Team - Robert Tellier, Stan Buday, Dean Corda, and Eva Henshaw with Denise Doherty (PIPSC negotiator) - met with Treasury Board to exchange proposals for the renewal of the collective agreement, which expired December 21, 2018.
The SH Group Executive represents the interests of all Federal Government Health Service Professionals. This year, in accordance with the SH by-laws, four positions on the SH group executive shall be elected:
According to RE bylaw 8.4, each region defined in the By-Laws of the Institute and each component group within the RE Group shall be represented on the Executive by a minimum of one (1) elected member.

Salary overpayments caused by Phoenix: the government finally takes a step in the right direction

The federal government has just announced that it is proposing new measures to help correct the wide-ranging issue of employees having to repay the gross instead of the net amount of a salary overpayment caused by system, administrative or clerical errors. This is particularly significant for PIPSC members: tens of thousands of you have experienced this problem first-hand thanks to the calamitous Phoenix system.
Any PIPSC Branch member may attend the Meeting at 6:00 p.m. If you wish to attend the dinner after the meeting, please pay $5 to your local PIPSC Branch/SG Executive member or steward (listed below) who will reserve your seat and forward your name and the collected funds to the Branch Treasurer.